
In the name of Allāh,

the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Peace and Blessings of Allāh on Mohammad.


Allāh–the Glorious and the High,

Lord of the worlds


Mohammad–who brought the world

to our feet and eternity to our arms.



In early Christianity Jesus was symbolized by the “fish.” As we know, the “cross” which now symbolizes Jesus/Christianity is not original to Christianity but is rooted in paganism.1

   Like the ‘cross” the “fish” also is rooted in paganism. Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din notes in his revealing book The Sources of Christianity: “The Gospel cannot explain the why and how of the Fish symbol, excepting that Jesus often ate fish. But the sun-scripture is the real explanation. The sun passes the Zodiacal sign Pisces –the Fish– in February, and if the date of the Epiphany is in February, Christ, as a Sun-God, must be symbolized by the Fish.”(p. 51). (See also JESUS-PAGAN PASSION PLAY). Christianity is Paganism veneered with the name of Jesus Christ.



1. Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din notes:: “The sign of the Cross also is not of Christian origin. It does not date from the crucifixion;” “the cross in Christendom signifies the same as did the Egyptian cross –the sign of new life brought by the crucifixion. In Ireland a similar cross has been discovered, with a crucified effigy, but it is the effigy of a Persian prince and not that of the Nazarene, as the head of the crucified bears a Parthian coronet, and not the crown of thorns; which identifies it with the Mithraic cult, originally from Persia”–(The Sources of Christianity, p. 50).
