Allah-a different God from Yahweh


In the name of Allāh,
the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Peace and Blessings of Allāh on Mohammad.
Allāh–the Glorious and the High,
Lord of the worlds
Mohammad–who brought the world
to our feet and eternity to our arms

If Allah is Hubal and Molech and a pagan moon-God as Christians and others have postulated, then this Hubal and Molech and pagan moon-God has given to the world the best Book in Scriptural history. For the Qur’an  contains teachings of past Scriptures and also has teachings not met with in other Scriptures. Thus, the Qur’an consists of, exceeds, and supersedes all other Scriptures.
Moreover, given that to suffer/punish someone else for your satisfaction is sadism, the Christian doctrine of original/inherited sin and vicarious atonement is sadistic. Thus, in contrast to Hubal and Molech and pagan moon-God and Allāh Who forgives ALL sins unconditionally, the Christians’ God, needing the satisfaction of Jesus’ blood to forgive sins, is a sadist.
NB:  The God of Moses and of Jesus Who revealed Divine Unity and self-responsibility for sin(s) is NOT the God of Christians. The Christians’ God, Whoever He is, is the God of Trinity, original/inherited sin and vicarious atonement.

It is amusing that Christians are trying to find fault with Allāh/Islam, whereas in contrast they do not know the name of the God they follow. The name Christians commonly used for God is Jehovah. But Jehovah does not exist.
In the Bible God said His names are “I AM” and “JEALOUS”–(Exodus 3:14; 34:14). And in the Hebrew language He is known, among other names, as El, Elohim….
Why are Christians not addressing God as  “I AM” and “JEALOUS”? Are Christians ashamed of the names of their God so that they have to fabricate names for HIM?

Christians claim that Allāh is not the same God as Yahweh, the God of the Bible.
“Yahweh” can hardly be said to be the name of God. (Jesus called out to “ELI”–Matthew 27:46). Neither is “Jehovah” a name of God. Jehovah does not exist. No Christian or Jew knows the name of their God.  They just put vowels to the consonants YHWH).

However, that Allāh and the God of the Bible are the same (though Islam does not accept all of the teachings of the Bible), Professor Abdul Ahad Dawud B.D. –“the former Reverend David Benjamin Keldani, B.D., a Roman Catholic priest of the Uniate-Chaldean sect”–explains in his book Muhammad in the Bible:
“If the Christian priests and theologians knew their Scriptures in the original Hebrew instead of in translations as the Muslims read their Qur-an in its Arabic text, they would clearly see that Allāh is the same ancient Semitic name of the Supreme Being who revealed and spoke to Adam and all the prophets” (pp. 12-13).

Christians and Jews use the same Old Testament. If Allāh is a different God from that of Christians because Muslims do not accept Jesus as God or son of God or vicarious atoner, Christians may as well throw their Bibles into the fire, because Jews not only reject Jesus as God, son of God, and vicarious atoner and maybe even as prophet of God but regard him as “bastard,” and regard his mother, Mary, the Christian’s Mother of God, as “adulteress.” (Notably, the Prophet Mohammad, through Allah’s Qur’an, repudiated these “Jewish calumnies” against Jesus and his mother).

That Allāh is not the same God as that of Christians, in one respect this is an accurate view:
-Allāh is the God Who was NOT in the womb of a woman and came out the vagina;
-Allāh is the God Who did NOT suck the “paps” of a woman;
-Allāh is the God Who was NOT circumcised;
-Allāh is the God Who does NOT need “some satisfaction” to forgive sins;
-Allāh is the God Who does NOT put Adam’s sin onto others;
-Allāh is the God Who does NOT use a scapegoat (Jesus) to give sinners a free ride into Paradise.

The Christian’s God is not only incomparable to the Merciful God of Muslims, the Christian’s God is even mercy-less than the Hindu God.
Whereas the God of karma and reincarnation gives one exactly what his deeds merit: ‘an equal and opposite reaction;’ the God of inherited sin and vicarious atonement is doubly unjust: loading the sin of one man (Adam) onto the backs of all men (even onto the still-born) then shifting the sins of all men onto the head of one innocent and sinless man (Jesus). A devilish, despicable scheme.

Notably and significantly, Christian Arabs regard “Allāh” as the name of God.”  One source on the Internet points out: “ELAH” is “very similar to Arabic “Allah” and that “Arabic Bible uses ‘Allah’ for God.”

However, some Christians confuse the usage of the word “Ilah” with “Allāh.”  Claiming that “ilah” is a different God from “Allāh.”
In the Qur’an the word “ilah” (God) is used as the generic “God”:  “And your God (Ilah) is one God (ilah) ;there is no God (ilah) but He! He is the Beneficent, the Merciful”–(Qur’an 2:163 and other places in the Qur’an).

Whereas “ilah” is used for the generic, “God,” “Allāh” is used to denote the name of God:

  • “Surely I am Allah, there is no God (ilah) but I, so serve Me, and keep up prayer for My remembrance”–(Qur’an 20:14).
  • “So We sent among them a messenger from among them, saying: Serve Allah — you have no God other than Him” –Qur’an 23:32)
  • “Praise be to Allah, the Lord (Rabb–Nourisher unto perfection) of the worlds, The Beneficent, the Merciful, Master of the day of Requital”–(Qur’an 1:1-3)
  • “I am Allah, the Seeing. (This is) a Book which We have revealed to you (Mohammad that you may) bring forth men, by their Lord’s (Rabb’s) permission, from utter darkness into light  to the way of the Mighty, the  praised One” -(Qur’an 14:1)
  • “Say (to them, Mohammad): If you love Allah, follow me: Allāh will love you, and grant you protection from your sins. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful”–(Qur’an 3:30)
  • “So keep your duty to Allåh as much as you can”–Qur’an 64:16)
  • “Then are they sent back to Allah, their Master, the True one” –(Qur’an 6:62).
  • “That is because Allah, He is the Truth, and He gives life to the dead, and He is Possessor of power over all things, And the Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it; and Allah will raise up those who are in the graves.
    And among men is he who disputes about Allah without knowledge, and without guidance, and without an illuminating Book. Turning away haughtily to lead men astray from the way of Allah.
    For him is disgrace in this world, and on the day of Resurrection We shall make him taste the punishment of burning”–Qur’an 22:6-9).

Whether the Qur’an refers to the Creator as ‘ilah” (God) or “Allāh” it means that He/God is the universal God -ALLAH!
