Mohammad–Hinduism’s Kalki Avatar


In the name of Allāh,
the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Peace and Blessings of Allāh on Mohammad.
Allāh–the Glorious and the High,
Lord of the worlds
Mohammad–who brought the world
to our feet and eternity to our arms

Hinduism teaches the belief in a Triune Godhead1 consisting of three personalities, Brahma (Creator), Vishnu (Preserver) and Shiva (Vanquisher/Destroyer). (Though the Vedas do not teach Trinity2).
Hinduism also teaches that the God, Vishnu, incarnates Himself in troubled times to accomplish His objectives. These incarnates/incarnations  of Vishnu are known as Avatars (or Avataras).

According to Hinduism, in the last days Lord Vishnu will incarnate Himself as the personality identified as Kalki,3 who will destroy evil from earth and restore Hindu dharma (law and religion) according to the principles of karma and reincarnation.
In the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna, an Avatar of Lord Vishnu, is noted as saying: “I still appear in every millennium ….Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice….To deliver the pious”–(4:6-8).

There are Muslims who are of the view that this “Kalki” was manifested in the person of Prophet Mohammad. Though the Muslim’s claim has been refuted by some, giving their reasons why Mohammad could not have been the Kalki Avatar. (Many have claimed to be Kalki. Bahais claim that Baha’ullah is the Kalki Avatar4).
Whether Mohammad was or was not this Kalki Avatar is immaterial. Mohammad does not need any previous Scripture5 or personality to substantiate his Divine Messenger status. However, arguably, Mohammad can be said to be the Kalki Avatar. (More on this later).

Regarding the Hindu belief.
How can Kalki be an incarnate of  Vishnu when “Visnu, (was) a minor solar deity in the Rgveda, who later became one of the most important and popular divinities of Hinduism”?6
(God grows in status? Who made Vishnu “important and popular”?  How did he become “important and popular”?).
And while part of Hinduism teaches that God/Vishnu took several forms as humans and as animals,7 according to Swami Dayananda Saraswati God does not incarnate, “because it is said in the Yajur Veda, “He is un-born,” again “He overspreads all. He is pure, is never born and never takes on a human form.” It is clear from these quotations that God is never born.”8
(Seems avatar was mistranslated incarnation instead of representation, as a prophet is a representative of God).
Swami Dayananda also points out, (The Bhagavad-Gita) “Being opposed to the Veda, it cannot be held to be an authority. ….Krishna could never be God.”9
(As Krishna is an Avatar of Vishnu they are the same personality; and as Krishna “could never be God” likewise, by extension, Vishnu “could never be God”).

How can Kalki restore law and order along the principles of karma and reincarnation when the origins of Karma & Reincarnation are uncertain? Britannica exposes:
“The origin and the development of the belief in the transmigration of souls are very obscure…This doctrine of samsara (reincarnation) is attributed to the sage Uddalaka Aruni, who is said to have learned it from a Ksatriya chief. In the same text, the doctrine of karma (works)…also occurs for the first time, attributed to Yajnavalkya. Both doctrines appear to have been new and strange ones, circulating among small groups of ascetics who were disinclined to make them public10
And Anoop Chandola states:
“Through contact, the Aryans and non-Aryans began to modify and integrate each other’s pathways. In the context of religion, for example, the Austro-Asiatics may have contributed the belief in each life passing to another life. This belief later, in the form of reincarnation, became a major element in the Upanishads.”11
(If karma and reincarnation were Divine bequeaths to Hinduism they could not be said to be “attributed to Yajnavalkya” and “Uddalaka Aruni,” respectively, or be speculated that reincarnation may have been “contributed” by the “Austro-Asiatics”.
If karma and reincarnation were Divine/Vedic doctrines there would be no need for ascetics to be “disinclined to make them public”).

Moreover, karma and reincarnation are not conducive to reason.
Karma, in which every action has an equal and opposite reaction, denies God His attribute of mercy –the God Who gives to all human action an equal and opposite reaction is devoid of mercy: there is no room in Him for forgiveness.
The law that every action requires an equal and opposite reaction is for science. Along with his right to retaliate, man is endowed with reason and to be merciful and forgiving.
If suffering is the result of bad karma, no attempt should be made to alleviate the miserable conditions of the sufferers and the poor –those who try to improve the lot of the poor and the suffering would be working against karma. If their conditions can be improved, karma is meaningless –seeing that it can be subverted/defeated. If karma can be annulled, man can change the natural law of God. If man can change the natural law of God, man would be greater than God. But man can never be greater than God. (See Karma & Reincarnation).

Apart from the fact that the Hindu Trinity, the Divine status of Vishnu (as major God) and the origin of karma and reincarnation are mere beliefs and not clearly expressed Divine doctrines, it is noted that:
“Hinduism has developed slowly from the synthesis of sacrificial cults brought into India by the Aryan invaders of about 1500 BC with the religions of the various indigenous peoples they conquered; in historic times its complex of religious belief, custom, and practice has been influenced by Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam, the tribal religions of Central Asian nomads, and perhaps even Chinese Taoism.”12

Regarding the teachings of Hinduism.  Lin Yutang notes:
“The Sankhya philosophers believed that the world consists of two principles, souls and the material world, the Prakriti, or Nature, while the Vedanta philosophers believed in one all-comprising unity. Out of such debates in the forest grew these books.”
“…the final consummation of Vedic philosophy is to be found in Bhagavad-Gita, written perhaps two centuries later, when an ardent devotion to a personal God took the place of these barren speculations. According to Buddhist records, there were as many as sixty-three confusing schools of philosophy at the time of Buddha (563-483 B.C.), which explained Buddha’s revolt at their futile reasonings and ritualism–(Wisdom of India, pp. 24, 25).

 Jawaharlal Nehru wrote:
“The early Vedic Aryans….paid little attention to the soul.   In   a vague way they believed in some kind of existence after death. Gradually the conception of God grows: there are the Olympian type of gods, and then monotheism, and later, rather mixed with it, the conception of monism.”
That “foreign elements” brought their customs into India. And:
“Many of these customs were unlike those of the Aryans, and so a curious mixture of opposing ideas and customs is observable….Gradually the absorption of the earlier indigenous elements as well as of new-comers was taking place, and the Vedic religion was being modified accordingly. It was beginning to take that all-inclusive form which led to modern Hinduism”–(The Discovery of India, pp. 79, 106-107. color added).

Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din points out:
“India was the home of rank idolatry. But to-day, the worship of the stone is a back number there.
“The Brahmins and the Aryas, the two prominent off-shoots of Hinduism in India, hate idolatry and break images. Brahma’s creed, the earlier of the two, was started by Raja Ram Mohan Rai, who received his monotheistic inspirations from the Qur-’an, as he admits himself in his writings. Arya Samaj did the same. Even the staunch advocates of stone-worship now seek apologies for it. They take pains to make it quite plain that “they are not polytheists in reality.” They worship One God, but to concentrate their mind on the Great Unseen and Unknown they need something perceivable; hence the image (Why not concentrate on the written name of God instead; or best yet come to Islam). What influence else than Islam can claim the credit for this wonderful change in Hindu theology? There was nothing in the Vedas  –the Hindu Bible– a Book of Element-worship, as it at present stands –to inspire faith in One God. Traditional Christianity –the so-called historic– herself benighted in such matters, could not guide others to these lofty ideas. To-day, the worship of more than one god is on the wane and Muslim monotheism hailed everywhere.”–(Open Letters To The Bishops Of  Salisbury & London, pp. 17-18). (See Hinduism & women).

Regarding the Hindu Trinity.
Gods acting simultaneously against each other –Brahma wanting to create, Vishnu wanting to preserve and Shiva wanting to destroy– can have grave consequence for man. As noted from the following incident by C. Rajagopalachari in his Ramayana, (p.19):
“Viswaamitra was a king who attained sainthood through terrible austerities. He had long ago exhibited his spiritual powers by starting to create another Brahma and a rival universe: he had gone as far as the creation of new constellations, but was prevailed upon to stop by the entreaties of the alarmed gods.”
Imagine a dozen disgruntled/ambitious gods creating their own “rival” universes. Or acting against each other.
The Milky Way will become a bowling alley.

That Mohammad was/is not the Kalki Avatar.
Based on Hindu beliefs, Mohammad can very well be taken to be Kalki.
As noted, Hindus believe that Lord Vishnu incarnated Himself as Rama, Krishna, Buddha (among others). As Vishnu incarnated himself as Krishna then Krishna is also Vishnu. And Krishna/Vishnu declared in the Bhagavad Gita 4:6-8, (though the Bhagavad Gita is Hindu “mythology”13):
“I still appear in every millennium ….Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice….To deliver the pious.”
And as there was a “decline in religious practice” in Seventh-century Arabia, then according to this Hindu belief, Krishna/Vishnu must have come as Mohammad to the Arabs.
(Though Krishna/Vishnu would have given Mohammad the rational doctrines Resurrection and Judgment in contrast to Hinduism’s irrational doctrines karma and reincarnation.
Krishna/Vishnu would have also revealed to Mohammad Divine representation [prophethood and messengership] in contrast to Hinduism’s Divine incarnation [Avatars]).
Clearly, God, whether we call Him Ishwar, Eli or Allāh, being Omnipresent and Omnipotent does not need to take forms to accomplish His purpose.

Allāh raised messengers among all people14 and gave them acts of devotion.15 The only people remaining to receive a Divine messenger was the Arabs.
Prophet Mohammad, whose advent was foretold in previous Scriptures,16 came to both the Arabs and to unite mankind under one set of Divine Law.17
Through Mohammad Allāh God has perfected man’s religion and completed His favor to us.18

Allāh having perfected our religion and completed His favor to us, nothing more is needed for our moral, social, intellectual and spiritual upliftment.
Whether Mohammad was Kalki or not, there is no coming of any other Divine messenger after Mohammad. NONE IS  NEEDED.
Whoever Kalki is, he already came/manifested.

Significantly, Mohammad does not need any previous Scripture or personality to substantiate his Divine Messenger status. The Qur’an with its prophecies, scientific statements and its inimitability19 are Mohammad’s irrefutable proof.
In fact, of all the claimants to Divine Dispensation (Krishna and Jesus20 included), Mohammad is the only one who can substantiate his claim.
Hindus and others can reject Mohammad but they cannot refute Mohammad’s claim to Divine Messengership.

It is expected that cardinal doctrines of a religion not only be clearly expressed but also be conducive to reason.
Evidently, Vishnu as God and karma and reincarnation are not clearly expressed in Hindu Scriptures; and karma and reincarnation are not conducive to reason.
Doubtlessly, Hindus worship God. But, like Christians, their belief is misplaced (though Hinduism is superior to Christianity21)

Hindus who desire Swarga (heaven), and know about Islam/Mohammad, have no choice but to bend their knees to Allāh; to:
“There is no God but Allāh; Mohammad is the Messenger of Allāh.”
(See also 
Hinduism-Gayatri Mantra is Mohammad).

1. Christianity has Trinity –Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The pagan Romans also had Trinity –Juno, Jupiter and Minerva.
Hindus/Hinduism also attributes base acts to their Gods:
—“Visnu is punished for seducing the wife of Jalandhara”–(Wendy Doniger O’Flaherty,  Siva The Erotic Ascetic, p. 274 ).
—“‘Siva emitted his seed, and Agni swallowed it.’” (Ibid. p. 273).
–“Brahma is found guilty of cohabiting with his own daughter. It is for that reason that he is deprived of being worshipped”–(Murtahin Billah Fazlie, Hinduism and Islam, A Comparative Study, pp. 23-24. Color added).
And Wendy Doniger O’Flaherty notes:
“Brahma desired his daughter and took the form of a stag to pursue her as a doe. The Brahmins called him to shame, and Rudra shot him with an arrow. The deer’s head came away from Brahma’s body and became a constellation in the sky. But then Gayatri and Sarasvati [the wives of Brahma] had no husband. They performed tapas for Siva, and he agreed to revive their husband, giving Brahma the four heads of Nandin and others of his hosts. Brahma arose and praised Siva.” (Siva The Erotic Ascetic, p. 126).

2. Jayaram V wrote: “In the Vedas we do not find any reference to the concept of Trinity. During the Rigvedic period, Vishnu was a minor solar deity, while Shiva was almost unknown.” (Noted on January 15, 2017).    (If link does not connect, please copy and paste).
Equally significant. Hamlyn notes:
“For the great majority of peasants the most important deity is not Vishnu or Shiva, but the village goddess (gramadevata), often called Earth Goddess or Mother, significantly always feminine, who presides over fertility of vegetable and animal life, and over pestilence and disease as well”–(Hamlyn, Man and his Gods encyclopedia of the world’s religions, p. 175).

3. “Kalkin, the incarnation of the future, variously described as a horse, a horse-headed man, or a man seated on a white horse with flaming sword in hand. He will bring judgment to men and restore the golden age.”–(Hamlyn, Man and his Gods, encyclopedia of the world’s religions; Third Impression 1974; pub; The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited; p. 183). (See item #7 for more incarnations of Vishnu).

4 Bahais claim that Baha’ullah is Kalki Avatar (see Baha’is & Baha’ullah item #5).

5. In his book Muhammad in World Scriptures, Vol. 1, Abdul Haque Vidyarthi “had adduced 3000 incontrovertible arguments and signs proving the truthfulness of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and his Divine mission”–(p. xxi).
This book is/was published by:
Darul-Isha’at Kutub-e-Islamia
Fatimabai Court, 4th Floor, Above Bank of  Maharashtra,
17, Maulana Azad Road
Jacob Circle, Mumbai – 400 011,
Telephone 309 34 38 ● 308 83 30.
ISBN 81-900537-9-5.
Printed At: Bharat Offset Printing Press,
2035 Qasimjan Street, Balli Maran,
Delhi – 110 006
Phone:  328 44 86.

Ency. Brit; 15th ed; Vol; 8, p. 910.

7. Hamlyn notes:
“According to the avatar doctrine Vishnu takes on an earthly form to save the world when its destruction by the forces of evil is threatened. Ten avataras are generally recognized:

(i) The Fish (Matsya), which saved Manu (the first Man), the sages and the Veda from the great flood.
(The Bible and the Qur’an say that Noah built an Ark, in which he and righteous members, and animals took refuge. The Qur’an 25:37 shows that this flood was restricted to Noah’s people only. And Maurice Bucaille has pointed out in his book The Bible The Qur’an and Science, p.34, that this flood was not a global phenomenon).

(ii) The Tortoise (Kurma) on whose back the gods placed Mount Mandara, with which they churned the milk ocean to recover the ambrosia they had lost in the great flood.

(iii) The Boar (Varaha), who killed Hiranyaksha, and rescued Earth from the cosmic ocean into which the demon had thrown her.
(It may be asked, what was the demon standing on when he threw the earth?)

(iv) The Man-Lion (Narasimha). The demon Hiranyakashipu had obtained a divine boon that he could not be killed indoors or out, during the daytime or at night, by god, man, or beast. Vishnu burst from a pillar in the demon’s palace in the form of a Man-Lion, at twilight when it was neither day or night, and killed the demon on the threshold.
(Since the “divine” who gave the demon this boon had to be one of the Gods –Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva– of the Hindu Trinity then regardless of whatever form Vishnu takes the demon was still killed by god –a baboon regardless of whatever suit he’s in or whatever cosmetic surgery is still a baboon. Which would make this “boon” to the demon no “boon” at all. Even if the “boon” was given by a god other than the Trinity, the demon was yet killed by a god”).   

(v)  The Dwarf (Vamana) is a variant of the Vedic episode. The dwarf appears before the demon Bali and is granted the boon of as much space as he can cross in three strides; in two he covers earth, air and sky, generously refraining from taking the third, nether region, which he leaves to Bali.
(A demon giving boon to God? And if either Brahma or Shiva gave this “boon” to Vishnu/Dwarf then God/Vishnu would be subservient to God. (?)
The diameter of the earth is approximately 8,000 miles long. Unless the Divine Dwarf is taller than earthling’s approximately three feet, it would take more than two strides to cover earth, air and sky. If this was a figurative expression, Vishnu would not have needed to incarnate).

(vi) Rama of the Axe (Parashu Rama), who cleared the earth  of kshatriyas twenty-one times in succession, in defence of Brahmins against royal depredations.

(vii) Rama, king of Ayodhya, hero of the Ramayana, who killed the demon Ravana of Lanka (Ceylon).
(But since the Ramayana is “Hindu mythology,” Rama was no real hero).

(viii) Krishna.
(ix) The Buddha, perhaps included to draw heterodox elements into Vaishnavism.

(x) Kalkin, the incarnation of the future, variously described as a horse, a horse-headed man, or a man seated on a white horse with flaming sword in hand. He will bring judgment to men and restore the golden age.”
(Taken from Hamlyn, Man and his Gods, encyclopedia of the world’s religions; Third Impression 1974; pub; The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited; p. 183).

 8. Swami Dayananda, Light of Truth, p. 219.
9. Ibid.
10. Ency. Brit; 15th Ed; Vol. 8, p. 911. Color added.
11. Anoop Chandola, The Way To True Worship, p. 8. Color added.
12.Ency. Britannica, 15th Edn. Vol. V, p. 52; Art. Hinduism. history of).

13. That the Bhagavad Gita is mythology.
The sacred Books of Hindus are the Vedas –Rg/Rig, Atharva, Yajur, and Sama– Mahabharata, which comprises the Bhagavad-Gita which notes the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna on the battlefield in the war between the Pandavas and the Duryodhanas; the Ramayana –the story of Ram/Rama– and Puranas.
It is noted that
“The great mythological works of Hinduism are the Epics, namely the Mahabharata…..and the Ramayana…. and the compendia of creation myths, king lists, legends and religious doctrines called Puranas”–(Hamlyn, Man and his Gods, encyclopedia of the world’s religions,  p. 178.

And the Rgveda was “composed” by “bard priest;” and “By about 1000 BC this body of chanted poetry had apparently grown to unmanageable proportions, and the best of the poems were formed into an anthology called Rgveda, which was then canonized..…The Vedic literature was oral and not written down until very much later, the first reference to a written Vedic text being in the 10th century AD”–(Ency. Brit.15th Ed. Vol, 17, p. 151). (For more on the Bhagavad Gita see Bhagavad- Gita).

14. Allāh raised messenger among all people:
“And for every nation there is a Messenger”–(Qur’an 10:47); “And certainly We raised in every nation a messenger, saying: Serve Allah and shun the devil”–(Qur’an 16:36).

15. Allāh gave all people acts of worship:
“To every nation We appointed acts of devotion, which they observe, so let them not dispute with thee in the matter, and call to thy Lord. Surely thou art on a right guidance”–(Qur’an 22:67).

16. Prophet Mohammad foretold in previous Scriptures:
“Those who follow the Messenger-Prophet, the Ummi whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel. He enjoins them good and forbids them evil, and makes lawful to them the good things and prohibits for them impure things, and removes from them their burden and the shackles which were on them. So those who believe in him and honour him and help him, and follow the light which has been sent down with him — these are the successful” –(Qur’an 7:157). 
“There are many prophecies regarding the advent of the Holy Prophet both in the Old and the New Testament. The Torah and the Gospel are specially mentioned here because Moses and Jesus were respectively the first and the last of the Israelite prophets. Deut. 18:15–18 speaks very clearly of the raising of a prophet (who shall be the like of Moses) from among the brethren of the Israelites, i.e. the Ishmaelites or the Arabs, while Deut. 33:2 speaks of the shining forth of the manifestation of the Lord, i.e. his coming in full glory “from Mount Paran”. The Gospel is full of the prophecies of the advent of the Holy Prophet; Matt. 21:33– 44, Mark 12:1–11, Luke 20:9 –18, where the Lord of the vineyard comes after the son (i.e. Jesus) is maltreated, and Matt. 13:31–32, John 1:21, John 14:16, John 14:26 all contain such prophecies.” –(Muhammad Ali comm. Qur’an 7:157. See also Abdul Haque Vidyarthi, Muhammad in World Scriptures, Vol. I. Also Mohammad-and Moulood).

17. Prophet Mohammad sent to Arabs and world:
“He (Allāh) it is Who raised among the illiterates a Messenger from among themselves, who recites to them His messages and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom — although they were before certainly in manifest error”–(Qur’an 62:2).
“Say: O mankind, surely I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, of Him, Whose is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He; He gives life and causes death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Ummi Prophet who believes in Allah and His words, and follow him so that you may be guided aright”–(Qur’an 7:158; 21:107).
“As against the various prophets spoken of in this chapter, every one of whom was sent to his people (qaumi-hi), the Prophet Muhammad is here spoken of as having been sent to all people, to the whole of mankind. Thus the appearance of the Prophet Muhammad was a turning point in the history of humanity. The day of the national prophet was over and a new era had dawned in which the whole of humanity was ultimately to be united under one spiritual head. Six hundred years before, Jesus Christ, the last of the national prophets, said to a non-Israelite woman that he was “not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matt. 15:24); and being pressed, only added: “It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and cast it to dogs” (Matt. 15:26). In the new era, however, the idea of nationality had to give place to the broader idea of one humanity, and the basis of it was laid by the Holy Qur’an”–(Muhammad Ali, comm; Qur’an 7:158).

“And We have not sent thee but as a bearer of good news and as a warner to all mankind, but most men know not”–(Qur’an 34:28; also 21:107)”
“The Prophet is repeatedly spoken of as having been sent as a messenger to all people, in the earliest as well as the later revelations. He is called “A warner to the nations (25:1), “A mercy to the nations” (21:107), and so on. In one place, his being sent to men is qualified by the word jams‘-an (7:158), which means all. Here it is qualified by the word kaffah, which means all without an exception. This word is derived from kaff, which means preventing or withholding, the implication being that it includes all and does not prevent or withhold anyone, or all without an exception”–(Muhammad Ali, comm; Qur’an 34:28).

18. Allāh perfected man’s religion and completed His favor to us: “This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favour to you and chosen for you Islam as a religion”–(Qur’an 5:3).

19. To the doubters of the Qur’an, Allāh extends the invitation:
“And if you are in doubt as to that which We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like it  and call on your helpers besides Allah if you are truthful”–(Qur’an 2:23; 10:38; 11:13).
“Say: If men and jinn should combine together to bring the like of this Qur’an, they could not bring the like of it, though some of them were aiders of others”–(Qur’an 17:88).

20. Whereas Jesus unequivocally and emphatically declared that he was wholly and solely a Jewish tribal prophet who regarded non-Jews (and even some Jews, as Samaritans are a Jewish sect) as “dogs” and “swine” and even preached in parables so these metaphorical “dogs” and “swine” would not understand and be converted and saved; and who exhorted adherence to the Mosaic law as the vehicle into heaven (until the arrival of the Comforter who will guide into “all truth” and will abide “for ever”), Christians have baptized Jesus Christ GodSon of God, and vicarious atoner for non-existent  inherited sin;  and as David was an earthly king, crowned  Jesus a heavenly king and ruler of future-world for 1000-years.

And two thousand years after Jesus’ departure Christians are yet groping in the tomb of “darkness and misunderstanding” and confusion as to who Jesus is:

  • whereas some Christians say Jesus is God, some say he is only Son of God. (Whose belief is correct? And Jesus is only “called” son of God, and God has a legion of sons and daughters.
  • whereas some Christians believe in Trinity, some hold Trinity as a “senseless God-dishonoring doctrine”  that could come only from the mind of “Satan.”  (Whose belief is correct?).
  • whereas some Christians say Christ died for inherited sin, some say he died for committed sin. (Whose belief is correct?)
  • whereas some Christians believe Jesus was killed, buried, and raised, “some of the early Christian sects did not believe that Christ was killed on the cross. The Basilidans believed that some one else was substituted for him. The Docetae held that Christ never had a real physical or natural body, but only an apparent or phantom body, and that his Crucifixion was only apparent, not real. The Marcionite Gospel (about A.D. 138) denied that Jesus was born, and merely said that he appeared in human form.”–(Yusuf Ali, Qur’anic comm; #663). 
    ● Christians are also divided as to whether Jesus’ birth was “virginal” or “mechanical.” Paul, who knows more than Christians and whom Christians follow, taught that Jesus had a human father; that Jesus was born from “seed” “according to the flesh” (“seed” and “according to the flesh” is sexual intercourse)–(Acts 2:30; Romans 1:3; 2 Timothy 2:8). (See Jesus-birth miracle or mechanix?)

In summary. Christianity is:

  • Trinity –God growing in the womb (and of a woman He created), coming out the vagina and getting circumcised (making God unclean: Job 25:4); and needing to eat butter and honey “that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good”-(Isaiah 7:14-15).
  • Son of God –attributing the animal function of sex to God; as “fatherhood” requires the union of sperm and ovum; (and Jesus is only “CALLED” son of God-Luke 1:35); and needing to eat butter and honey “that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good”-(Isaiah 7:14-15).
  • Inherited sin –God loading a man’s (Adam’s) sin onto innocent, helpless and morally and mentally non-competent babies –and even from their mothers’ wombs– and worldwide for 5,000 years now and will continue to do so to the Resurrection (which attributes injustice to God).
  • Vicarious atonement –God shifting sin(s) around from Adam to everyone then from everyone onto Jesus, and  having the blameless and innocent Jesus killed for the sin of Adam/others (which attributes more injustice to God and makes God complicit in murder).
    It is mind-boggling that in this enlightened Age men and women, whether sincere believers in God or not, would attribute such garbage to God.

Given the humanness of the Bible and the clouds of conjectures surrounding the existence of Jesus, but for the Qur’an/Islam/Mohammad Jesus may have long since been relegated to the bin of myths and legends.
It is the Qur’an/Islam/Mohammad that is keeping Jesus alive; and not only keeping him alive but has cleansed him and his mother, Mary, of the calumnies of “bastard” and “adulteress,” respectively, hurled on them by Jewish Fathers, and appareled them in rubious robes of righteousness, and have secured for them today the unflagging allegiance of some one-and-one-half billion Muslims. And counting as Islam spirits on. Inexorably! Invincibly! Impregnably! As Divinely decreed! To prevail over all religions!

  “He it is Who sent His Messenger
  (Mohammad) with guidance and
    the Religion of Truth, 
  that He may cause it to
  prevail over all religions,
  though the polytheists are averse”
  (Qur’an 9:32-33; 48:28; 61:8-9).
 Allāh God truly is Great! 
   Subhāna Rabbayyal A’lā! 
 Allāho Akbar!

21. That Hinduism is superior to Christianity.
As shown, the teachings of Christianity and Hinduism are nonsense. However.
Whereas both Hinduism and Christianity reduce God to “son” of a woman and make woman “mother” of God (putting God in the body of a woman He created and bring Him out her vagina, and Christianity even circumcised God’s foreskin. God forbid!).
Unlike Christianity which attributes injustice to God and makes God complicit in murder (by shifting Adam’s sin around onto every person and then onto Jesus and having him murdered), Hinduism, does not attribute injustice to God and make Him complicit in murder. Hinduism gives to man an equal and opposite reaction to his action (though this renders God as being mercy-less, see Karma & Reincarnation),

Also, whereas Jesus/Christianity regards non-Jews as “dogs” and “swine” and preached in “parables” so these metaphorical “dogs” and “swine” would not understand and be saved, Hinduism, though it regards some people as being of lower birth, does not regard non-Jews or non-Hindus as “dogs” and “swine” or preached in parables so they would not understand.
Christianity-a fake
Jesus-only for Jews
Jesus-Son of God

Jesus as God
Jesus-inherited sin to ascension
Jesus-like David
Jesus-1000-year rule
Jesus-18 missing years
