

In the name of Allāh,

the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Peace and Blessings of Allāh on Mohammad.


Allāh–the Glorious and the High,

Lord of the worlds


Mohammad–who brought the world

to our feet and eternity to our arms.



Nonie Darwish wrote that Allāh commands “to hate, lie, deceive, enslave, and even kill,” and that “some Muslims don’t wish to admit that their religion wants to take over the world and create a one-party Fascist state called the Caliphate.” (Cruel And Usual Punishment, p. 161).

(How many Muslims have come knocking on your door about Islam? Contrast this to the number of Christians that come knocking on doors, including mine, to try and get me to swallow the body and mythical blood of Christ [spiritual cannibalism] and a seat in the pew of PAGANISM. And how many Muslim missionaries are there in the world compared to the tens of thousands, if not a million, trying to snare the uneducated natives with their “fake” BIBLES.See APPENDIX I).

   Response: That Allāh commands “to hate, lie, deceive, enslave, and even kill.” Allāh Who created out of love, has inscribed mercy on Himself, gives guidance, allows man freedom of conscience and implores us in loving, compassionate terms to forgive us our sins could hardly be indicted as commanding “to hate, lie, deceive, enslave, and even kill.” Allāh loves us. Allāh wants to guide us. Allāh wants us to be pure. Allāh wants us to have a life in Paradise. In contrast, as shown in topics on CHRISTIANITY and on JESUS, it is the Christian’s God (and as they say Jesus is God it is Jesus) that “commands “to hate, lie, deceive, enslave, and even kill.”

   That Islam “wants to take over the world and create a one-party Fascist state called the Caliphate.” Doesn’t Christianity want to take over the world? Doesn’t America want to take over the world and institute her form of “democracy”?If Moses or Jesus was lording America whose law do you think they would govern by, America/the West’s “democracy or The Ten Commandments? Would you call Moses’ and Jesus’ system a “one-party Fascist state?” Would you say that Moses and Jesus were fascists for upholding the Law of God?  

   And isn’t the Vatican a “one-party” entity? And isn’t the Pope a “fascist” governing for life or until incapacitated? even though the cardinal doctrines of Christianity –Divinity of Jesus, inherited sin, and vicarious atonement– have no Divine foundation, no prophetic foundation, no logical foundation, and are repugnant to reason; and Christianity is evil, intolerant, backward, naked hate, and misogynistic; that Christians lie on God, they lie on Jesus, they blame the devil; and the Gospels portray Jesus as liar, hypocrite, and fraud. (AYAAN HIRSI ALIalso makes mention of “Islamic fascism” and claims that Mohammad was a “tyrant”).

   Let us see where your “Fascism” is in the Islamic “Caliphate.”   Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary defines fascism as: 1: ”the body of principles held by Fascisti 2:a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and race and stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcibly suppression of opposition.”

   (a) Fascism has Political philosophy, movement, or regime:Islam and politics are incompatible. There is no politics in Islam. Unlike politics in which the end is justified by (almost) any means and anyone can seek office, Islam requires power be given to those suited for the position and to exercise justice–(Qur’an 4:58, 135; 5:8); to govern by consultation–(3:158; 42:38); ensures freedom and tolerance–(2:256; 8:39; 10:99; 18:29; 50:45; 109:1-6); gives man equality in human endeavors and extols righteousness as the sole criterion of greatness–(18:110; 49:13); and the Prophet Mohammad taught:

“We do not assign the authority of ruling to those who ask for it, nor to those who are keen to have it”–(Bokhari, Vol. 9, # 263). The Prophet is reported to have told Abdur-Rahman bin Samura not to “seek to be a ruler, for if you are given authority on your demand then you will be held responsible for it, but if you are given it without asking (for it), then you will be helped (by Allah) in it. If you ever take an oath to do something and later on you find that something else is better, then you should expiate your oath and do what is better”–(Bokhari, Vol. 9, # 260). And, “Any man whom Allah has given the authority of ruling some people and he does not look after them in an honest manner, will never feel even the smell of Paradise”–(Ibid. Vol. 9 # 264). Where is the “Fascist state”?

 (b) Fascism exalts nation and race: Islam does not “exalt nation and race.” That we all came from a single pair –Adam and Eve– this alone demolishes the charge that Islam is “fascism” which “exalts nation and race.” Islam regards all humans as created equal and that one is better than the other only in belief in Allāh and doing good deeds. It regards Muslims, which comprises of people of all races, as the best nation (spiritually) because Muslims enjoin good (which requires us doing good also), forbid evil (which requires us abstaining from evil also), and believe in Allāh.

(Whereas other religionists [as well as atheists] enjoin good and forbid evil, [and do good deeds] only Muslims believe in Allāh –belief in Allāh means that Allāh/God is One and Only; the Eternal, Absolute, on Whom ALL depend; having no consort He begets not; being the First and Creator of all and thus could not have a mother He is not begotten; being the Creator, Nourisher and Sustainer and One in Attributes there is none like Him; being Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent He has no need to and does not Incarnate; belief in all His Angels, all His Books and belief in all His Messengers, and in the Resurrection and Judgment. [While Allāh tells us to believe in all His Books He also tells us what not to believe that are passing under His name, such as “chosen people” to the exclusion of others; KARMA & REINCARNATION; divinity of JesusAS GOD, SON OF GOD, TRINITYvicarious atoner andINHERITED SIN]).

   Having regarded non-Jews as “dog” and “swine” it is Jesus, the Christian’s God and son of God that is “fascist”: exalting Jewish “nation and race.” And it is Judaism –as Jews claim that they are God’s “chosen people” to the exclusion of others– that “exalts nation and race”: The Jewish, KHUZARI BOOK, which is approved by the office of education. In the introduction to the book Dr. Tzifroni writes: “The nation of Israel is a chosen nation because of its race, its education and the climate of the land in which it was brought up. The race of the Israeli people is the most superior of all races.””1 (See note for full text).

(Regarding racial superiority. How rightly the Prophet Mohammad gave the celestially and profoundly perfect answer to this mis-shapen mentality of high-birth. Said the magnificent Messenger of Allāh that whoever prides himself on being of high-birth ‘tell him to bite on his father’s penis’2 –that is where he came from; that is the lowly beginning from where we all came. And the Prophet made it the point that when using this saying to not alter the word “penis” so as to make it a delicate expression; the proud one must face the full impact of his vain pride; that his pride originated from or lies in his father’s “penis.” While one race may be technologically more advanced than others, this mentality of “the most superior of all races” –a mis-shapen mentality unworthy not only of the enlightened Twentieth century but unworthy of all centuries– may very well be said to be the nucleus of Apartheid –mental, physical, and spiritual.

   And If supremacy is based on race, residency in PALESTINE, and knowledge; then Palestinians/Arabs are the “most superior of all races”; having resided in Palestine for six thousand years, is the best nation as Allāh says in His Qur’an 2:143 and 3:109, and has given Muslims knowledge that brought light to the world –at a time when Jews and everyone else were running around with flint tools and torches).

   (c) Fascism has severe economic and social regimentation:

   There is no “severe economic regimentation” in Islam. Though Islam admonishes against excesses, Muslims have the liberty to earn and dispose of their wealth as they please. The only yearly compulsory financial contribution is the two-and-a-half percent zakaat on those with financial soundness. All nations levy taxes on their subjects.

   While regimentation helps cultivate discipline and build character, there is no “severe social regimentation” in Islam. There is a five-times-daily spiritual observance which one can offer privately if he/she cannot get to the Mosque (the only compulsory congregational prayer is the Friday, Jum’a, prayer). Other main religious gatherings are Eid-ul-Fitr (Feast after the Fast of Ramadan), Eid-ul-Adha (commemorative intended sacrifice of Abraham of his then “one and only” son, Ishmael); and the pilgrimage to Makkah. Other religionists also have “social” gatherings.

   These five daily prayers of Muslims are like the regimentation of employment –working eight hours a day five days a week, fifty weeks a year for some fifty years of life. Muslims pray at dawn (10 mins.), noonday (15 mins.), late afternoon (10 mins.), sunset (15 mins.) and at night-time (25 mins.). While some non-Muslims also pray during the day, what do others do at these times –sleep, drink, work, entertain or engage in illegal acts? There is nothing more spiritually beneficial for humans than to intersperse his day with prostrations –the highest expressive form of glorification– to his Creator. This is no “regimentation”: this is spiritual bliss! (In our five daily prayers Muslims engage in exercise, meditation, and spirituality). The military (and perhaps other organizations) has daily regimentation, is this “fascistic”?

   (d) Fascism has a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader: As noted in (a) above, Islam is DEMOCRACY. Every system has its laws. While these laws are man-made and limited to man’s knowledge of the day, SHARI'AH, the system designed by Allāh the Omniscient, is the superior system for all times. And whereas in the man-made system leaders are chosen periodically due to their promises and performance, in Islam, the system being “perfect” no change in leadership is needed, so long as the Caliph govern according to the Qur’an. (No one, except crooks maybe, would want to replace a just and progressive ruler).

   Islam exhorts the pursuit of knowledge and progress. While Islam does not allow pursuit of the material to the detriment of the spiritual; Allāh tells us that everything in the heavens and earth were created for our benefit and urges us to seek knowledge to put them to our service; and that after we finish offering our prayers to go into the land and seek of His bounties. And His magnanimous Messenger informs us we have a duty to Allāh, to ourselves, families, and the community.

   In Islam there is only one law for the king and the commoner. The Prophet Mohammad did not choose a successor to himself. After his death Abu Bakr was elected as Caliph. Abu Bakr, though he had sons capable of the position, selected ‘Umar to succeed him. But ‘Umar’s appointment was final only after consultation and confirmation with the other Companions. Muhammad Ali has noted that

“legislation was not placed in the hands of the king. First of all the Qur’an, then the Prophet’s precept or practice, then the will of the people, such was the machinery that framed the law; and the law, not the king, was the supreme authority. In subordinating kingship to the law of the land and the law of the land to the will of the people, Abu Bakr laid the foundations of a truly democratic government as also of liberty and equality in the truest sense of these words.”

But, as Muhammad Ali adds

“To the misfortune of the community of Islam, however, this golden rule of government was abandoned after the reign of ‘Ali, the fourth Caliph. Kingship again became private property, as also did the public treasury. Democracy gave way to despotism, and thus began the disintegration and decay of the power of Islam.” (The Early Caliphate, p. 52)


   The freedom and equality espoused by Islam is unrivalled in the annals of history, ancient and modern. Muhammad Ali has pointed out in his The Early Caliphate:

“Bilal, ‘Ammar, and others who were, originally slaves but were among the first to embrace Islam, were shown preference over the great chiefs of the Quraish.…All distinctions of heredity were abolished and society was ordered on the Qur’anic principle: “The most honourable among you is the one who has the greatest regard for his duty.”

“The weak and disabled were granted allowances from the public treasury, and in this there was no discrimination between Muslim and non-Muslim. The system of old-age pensions now prevailing in many countries in Europe was first introduced by ‘Umar. For wayfarers, large caravansarais were erected in all big centres. Children without guardians were brought up at the expense of the state.”

“There was no restriction whatever on freedom of opinion or on the expression of that opinion. Governors were made accessible to the public to the extent that they were forbidden to have guards at their doors lest there should be the least hitch for the aggrieved to approach the highest authority at any time…The position of the Caliph himself, in this wonderful democracy, was no higher than that of a commoner. He was considered the servant of the people, not the king, and as such he was open to criticism…This unrestricted freedom, in itself the highest virtue, served in the hands of mischief-mongers as the most deadly weapon to undermine the power of Islam.” (pp. 121, 122, 136, 137, 143).

   Without doubt, “equality and freedom of opinion were the two most important rights that Islam conferred on every individual,” as noted by Muhammad Ali. (The Early Caliphate p. 143).

   And Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din aptly points out: “Islam brought to man for the first time the best form of democracy in all its ramifications. As to government, ‘Umar, the second Caliph, remarked that it was no government if the voice of the governed was not heard. State property was made public property by him, in every sense of the word.”3There is no system on the face of this earth that is more equitable and just than SHARI'AH. The system from Allāh, God, could not be less.

   Where is the “centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader”?

   (e) Fascism undertakes forcibly suppression of opposition: Mohammad only sought to preach the Divine Message of the Qur’an. For this he was persecuted; besieged; subjected to assassination attempt; forced into exile; pursued; and warred on. Had the opposition not first taken up the sword against Mohammad, Mohammad would have had no reason to take up the sword in self-defense. Whatever measures Mohammad took to preserve himself and followers Mohammad was fully justified. No one would do any less. As Prof. Abdul Ahad Dawud –the former Reverend David Benjamin Keldani– points out in his revealing book Muhammad in the Bible: “all the blood shed in the wars of Badr, Ohud, and other campaigns led personally by the Prophet Muhammad, could not exceed one-hundredth of the blood shed by Joshua. Yet not a single instance of cruelty or injustice can be proved against the Apostle of Allāh. He was clement, noble, magnanimous, and forgiving.” (SeeJESUS-SON OF MAN).

   Mohammad not only preached love, mercy and forgiveness but in the greatest demonstration of love, mercy and forgiveness the world has ever known he, unlike Jesus who ordered that his enemies be slain, forgave his most horrid persecutors of twenty-three grueling years upon his triumph at Makkah: “It is related that the Prophet took hold of the two sides of the gate of the Ka'ba on the day of the conquest of Makkah and said to the Quraish: How do you think I should treat you? They said: We hope for good, a noble brother and the son of a noble brother. Then he said: I say as my brother Joseph said: "No reproof be against you this day”(Rz)”4

   No inquisition. No incrimination. No confession. No rancor. Only lofty words of benevolence and nobility -"No reproof be against you this day"! Mohammad not only prayed for the deceased Muslim, but prayed for the idolater; saying: “if I knew that if I asked forgiveness for him more than seventy times, he would be forgiven, I would ask it for more times than that”–(Qur’an 9:84, 113. Bokhari Vol. 6, #193, 194).

 Mohammad even forgave the horrid Hind. The woman who is said to have cut open the body of his uncle, Hamza, as he lay dying on the battlefield and ripped out his liver and chewed it.     Such is the expanse of the “love” of enemies, mercy, forgiveness and magnanimity of this wonderful man Mohammad. Where is the Fascism of forcibly suppression of opposition? 

(That four persons were executed upon the Prophet’s triumph at Makkah compared to the thousands that were forgiven is hardly any blot on Mohammad’s mercy. Of these four individuals, as M.H. Haykal notes in his The Life of Muhammad, p; 411, two were Muslims guilty of murder before apostatizing; al Huwayrith for tempting the Prophet’s daughter, Zaynab; and a slave woman of Ibn Khatal for castigating the Prophet in song [which castigating may have inspired or encouraged others to militate against the Prophet]. If you believe that this slave woman should not have been executed; even in modern times people are imprisoned for way less than incitement; just ask world-famous peace activist Jaggie Singh, and anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela and his late brother-in-cause Steve Biko; as well as those Muslims jailed or held in detention under mere suspicion or without any kind of charge. And the Twentieth-century jailers crown themselves as “civilized” and “democratic.” Imagine then the punishment[s] that would have been meted out to peace-activists and freedom-fighters if they had castigated or incited against their leaders, as was done against Mohammad. Incidentally, Palestinian author and writer, whose lands were stolen, have been assassinated by their occupiers merely for writing about the injustice committed against them).

   Contrastingly it is Christianity, as her doctrines attest, that is “Fascism” (see APPENDIX II); it is Christianity that “wants to take over the world and create a one-party Fascist state called” the Papacy; ask the Pope. And there is nothing in the Bible to foster material progress: Jesus’ dictum to “Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on…for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”–(Matt. 6:25-34);this will only mire man in the bog of stagnation and backwardness.

   By telling man to pray only and leaving it all to God to send him groceries through handouts, the Christian’s God and son of God is teaching man to be loafers and mendicants. If America was to follow such a doctrine, instead of her being on the pinnacle of progress she would plummet like a giant lead-ball into the black-hole of backwardness.

   In Islam, earning bread honestly is a part of righteousness and an act of worship. As Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din points out: “The Western nations made their present progress when they liberated themselves from the hold of Church religion and began to think independently for themselves on Islamic lines.5




It was said to me that there is an Arab TV channel that features Christians posing as Muslim-converts to Christianity to entice Muslims to convert to Christianity. I have also heard of Christians giving money to a poor Muslim [improving his condition] to convert, so as to influence other Muslims in his area to convert to Christianity. And aforetime there was what was known as “rice” Christians –using food as weapon to convert the hungry to Christianity.

   And many years ago, during an in-house presentation, it was stated that in India Christians are giving apples to poor children and telling them that Jesus sent it. What a maroon! Jesus could not find figs for himself on earth to eat and he is sending apples from heaven to others –this Christian’s God/son of God was not only ignorant of the season for figs; he was so disappointed and despondent at his lack of fore-knowledge that fig was not in season and so frustrated at his powerlessness to produce fruit he cursed the helpless and blameless fig tree to death–(Mark 11:11-14, 20-21. Please note: this is the Christians’ Jesus; for the Muslims’ Jesus read the Qur’an).

   And Ahmed Deedat has shown in his booklet Is the Bible God’s Word? that whereas the word “VIRGIN” in Isaiah 7:14 has been replaced with the phrase “a young woman” in the RSV Bible; the word “BEGOTTEN” of “begotten son” of John 3:16, has been “excised;” the verse of 1-John 5:7 which speaks of the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost [the Trinity] “has also been scrapped from the RSV” Bible; and the verses of Mark 16:19 and Luke 24:51 which refer to the Ascension of Jesus were “expunged” but later “restored to the text,” Deedat notes that while these terms have been “unceremoniously excised” from English Bibles, they are retained in the Bible’s nearly 1500 other non-English languages. Such is Christian’s desperation and deception to snare the innocent natives into eating the “body” and drinking the mythical “blood” of Jesus Christ (spiritual cannibalism). This must be the lowest depths of spiritual depravity.

   But this is hardly surprising. People who would adulterate the Book of God –the very God from Whom they seek their daily bread, and on Whose “right hand” they want to sit– would probably do anything else. And considering that PAUL who not only forged his own “gospel” but as he confessed caught people through “lie,” “crafty”ness, and “guile,” Christians seem to be imitating Paul in their mission of propagating falsehood and blasphemy.

As noted above, Ahmed Deedat points out that the Ascension of Jesus was expunged but restored to the next. Not only did Jesus not give “all truth” (leaving it to the Comforter, Mohammad, to give “all truth”John 14:16; 16:13), God did not send Jesus to the Black and the White and the Brown and the Yellow and the Red. God sent Jesus ONLY FOR JEWS; as Jesus himself declared: “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel”–(Matt. 15:24); “Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”–(Matt. 10:5-6); “I pray for them (JEWS): I pray NOT for the world”–(John 17:9); “For the Son of man is come to seek and save that (JEWS) which was lost” (of which some ten of these Jewish tribes were said to be in Kashmir; Jesus is noted to have traveled to India)6–(Luke 19:10; Matt.18:11). And he (Jesus) considered non-Jews (which includes Nonie Darwish) “dogs” and “swine”: “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine”–(Matt. 7:6; 15:26); and he told the Samaritan woman: “Ye worship ye know not what: we (Jews) know what we worship: for salvation is of the JEWS”–(John 4:21). In fact, Jesus’ mission was so wholly and solely to the Israelites that he spoke in parables so the non-Jews would not understand and be saved: after relating the parable of the sower to the people Jesus said to them: “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear;” and, afterwards, when he (Jesus) was alone with the Israelites they asked him about the meaning of the parable: “And he said unto them, Unto you (who have God) it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them (non-Jews) that are without (God), all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and NOT perceive; and hearing they may hear, and NOT understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them”–(Mark 4:9-12) –the Good News Bible put it even more clearly: “You have been given the secret of the Kingdom of God,” Jesus answered. “But the others, who are on the outside, hear all things by means of parables, so that, ‘They may look and look, yet NOT see; they may listen and listen, yet NOT understand. For if they did, they would turn to God, and he would forgive them.’” In other words though the non-Jews (who may be sincere seekers of God) have the faculties of sight and hearing and can see and hear, he (Jesus) spoke in parables so that they would not understand his words because he did not want them to accept God and have their sins forgiven.What a ghastly horribly sickening thing to do. (As prophet, Jesus could not turn away anyone; this is why he indulged non-Jews; but he could avoid them, which he did, as is evident from his admonition to his disciples not to preach to non-Jews, and from his speaking in parables so that they would not understand). This statement by Jesus also proves that Jesus did NOT come to save sinners. The claim that after his make-believe resurrection Jesus ordered that the Gospel be preached to the world, Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din, in response to Christian “mis-statements” on Islam, notes in his Open Letters to the Bishops of Salisbury & London (1926):

“The concluding eleven verses of St. Mark-(16:9-20) and the well-known verse of St. Matthew-(28:19), speaking of the Son and the Father and the Holy Ghost, are forgeries, an admitted addition to the ancient MSS (manuscripts). The fact was discovered by the first translator of the Bible into English and they made a marginal note in their version of the Bible which continued for some time. But we do not find the said note in any of the copies now published by the said society(Foreign Mission Society). Is it fair and honest to keep others in darkness as to the true value of the contents of the Bible?The reader must know thatconcluding portion of St. Mark and the verse in St. Matthew are spurious and a subsequent addition. But I am afraid the Foreign Mission would not allow the correction. It would tell against their very Mission, if they eliminate the verse from St. Matthew; they lose the only pillar that supports the structure of the Trinity. No other verse in the whole Scripture speaks of it. The said eleven verses of St. Mark are the only justification for the existence of the Foreign Mission. You, as well as I, know, my Lord, that the call to Jesus came solely and wholly from Judaism. He came only to gather the scattered sheep and would not give the children’s bread to the dogs, the world beyond the Israelites. The Foreign Mission is a mere trespass on lands forbidden by the Master. It transcends the limit marked by Jesus. Throughout his life the Gentiles and others did not concern him: they were the swine. Then came the make-believe Resurrection, and they say the Master changed his mind as to his mission and ordered it to be carried to the four corners of the world (indicating that he was unsure of his mission), but this all depends upon the questionable verses of St. Mark, and hence their retention in the Bible. St. Matthew is no authority on this point. The word “nations” there is a mistranslation and a wrong substitute for “the tribes”–the rest of the Jewish tribes scattered all over the world. This being the case, the Mission cannot afford to eliminate the verses from their version, nor will they put marginal notes, as did the old versions, to show the true nature of the verses.7 It would weaken the cause and show the futility of their status, since in carrying on evangelical work in the non-Christian world (in the non-Jewish world, the Bible/Christ is only for Jews)8 they are acting against the express admonition of the Master. It may that reasons other than religion are at the back of it all, and goading their activities, but decency, if not religion, assuredly demands the publishing of things as they are.”(pp. 31-32). (Such is Christian’s deception and desperation to snare the unschooled and the unthinking into drinking the mythical blood and eating the body of Jesus Christ (spiritual cannibalism). Utterly disgraceful and unGodly! It is doubtful that a man of God would make forgeries in a Book of God, and even yet proclaim it to be Book of God. Christians adulterate their Word of God and then have the arrogance and the audacity to turn around and ask this very God to give them their daily bread. In fact, they not only turn around and ask God to give them their daily bread, they even pray to him to have Muslims (and others) follow them in their wickedness and blasphemy. Sadly, some Muslims do apostatize and follow them. And Only the peripheral Muslim and the unthinking would embrace the useless and unGodly crucifix.

Recently, the Egyptian government was reported to have charged some seven individuals living abroad over the MOHAMMAD MOVIE (Innocence of Muslims)that charges the Prophet Mohammad as being “a fraud, a womanizer and a madman.” Prophets of God are ambassadors/representatives of God on earth. And denigrating a prophet of God is tantamount to denigrating God. Though Islam does not require prosecuting denigrators –though Muslims are to invite them to prove their charges; and for certain they cannot prove any charges against Allāh, the Prophet, Islam, and the Qur’an– it is rather amusing that one would denigrate a prophet of God and seek human protection from reprisal (though as stated Islam does not require any reprisal). The question is who would protect such denigrator(s) from God?  

Though Christians reject Mohammad as Prophet of God, Christians cannot refute Mohammad’s claim to Divine Messengership. Of all the claimants to Divine Dispensation, Jesus included, Mohammad is the only one who can substantiate his claim; the Qur’an –with its PROPHECIES [which have already manifested]; SCIENTIFIC pronouncements [which have been verified], and inimitability [Qur’an 2:23; 10:38; 11:13; 17:88; 52:33]– is his proof. In fact, the Qur’an is not only proof of Mohammad’s Divine Messengership it is a refutation of atheism, for no man in Mohammad’s time could have known about some of the things that Mohammad taught.

Moreover, given the humanness of the BIBLE and the conjectures surrounding Jesus –whether he is God/Trinity or not; whether he died for inherited sin or for committed sin; whereas some believe Jesus was killed, buried, and raised, “some of the early Christian sects did not believe that Christ was killed on the cross. The Basilidans believed that some one else was substituted for him. The Docetae held that Christ never had a real physical or natural body, but only an apparent or phantom body, and that his Crucifixion was only apparent, not real. The Marcionite Gospel [about A.D. 138] denied that Jesus was born, and merely said that he appeared in human form,”9 coupled to the fact that miracles, of which there is no evidence of them to substantiate and which even false Christs and false prophets can show, and sermons which a person of oratorical skills can deliver are no proofs of Divine office– but for Mohammad/Qur’an/Islam Jesus would have long since been relegated to the bin of myths and legends. It is the Qur’an/Islam/ Mohammad that is keeping Jesus alive; and not only keeping him alive but has cleansed him and his mother, Mary, of the calumnies of “bastard” and “adulteress,” respectively, hurled on them by Jewish Fathers, and appareled them in rubious robes of righteousness and have secured for them today the unflagging allegiance of some one-and-one-half billion Muslims. And counting as Islam spirits on inexorably, invincibly, impregnably, as Divinely decreed to prevail over all religions! Allāh God truly is Great! Subha-na Rabbayyal-A’laa! Allaho Akbar!)




To restate, the definition of “fascism” is that it is “a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and race and stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcibly suppression of opposition.” Now examine the following:

Jesus “exalts nation and race”:

   -“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine”–(Matt. 7:6; 15:26);

go not to the Gentiles and the Samaritans, but “to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”–(Matt. 10:5-6).

   -“I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel”–(Matt. 15:24).

   -“I pray for them (Jews): I pray not for the world”–(John 17:9).

   -“For the Son of man is come to seek and save that (Jews) which was lost” (of which some ten of these Jewish tribes were said to be in Kashmir; Jesus is noted to have traveled to India)10–(Luke 19:10. Compare with Matt. 10:5-6; 15:24; 18:11; John 17:9 above).

   -“Ye worship ye know not what: we (Jews) know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews–(John 4:21);

   -after relating the parable of the sower to the people Jesus said to them: “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear;” and, afterwards, when he (Jesus) was alone with the Israelites they asked him about the meaning of the parable: “And he said unto them, Unto you (who have God) it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them (non-Jews) that are without (God), all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them”–(Mark 4:9-12); the Good News Bible put it even more clearly: “You have been given the secret of the Kingdom of God,” Jesus answered. “But the others, who are on the outside, hear all things by means of parables, so that, ‘They may look and look, yet not see; they may listen and listen, yet not understand. For if they did, they would turn to God, and he would forgive them.’” (Non-Jews are to ponder these statements of Jesus. Jesus was not sent to the White and the Black and the Brown and the red and the Yellow; Jesus was sent wholly and solely to the Jews. And Jesus as he declared did not give “all truth” –that he left for the COMFORTERto give. There is no wisdom in following a man or Book that is devoid of “all truth.”

Jesus “stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader”:

   -“He that is not with me is against me”–(Matt. 12:30. And a person can be neutral).

   -“If any man come to me, and HATE NOT his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple–(Luke 14:26).

   -“I am come to send FIRE on the earth;” “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth, Nay; but rather DIVISION: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; and the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law”–(Luke 12:49, 51-53).

   -“Think NOT that I am come to send peace on earth: I came NOT to send peace, but a SWORD”–(Matt. 10:34).

   “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me”–(Luke 19:27. Even though these enemies may not militate against him).

Jesus advocated “Severe economic and social regimen-tation”:

   -“Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on.….for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”–(Matt. 6:25-34. The Church, and some Christians, having billions in assets, doesn’t seem to know or care about this dictum of Jesus).

   -“sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross and follow me”–(Mark 10:21. And this one either).

   -“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God”–(Mark 10:25. And this one).  

   –Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth…But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven”–(Matt. 6:19-20. And this. Islam allows laying up treasures in both earth and heaven).

   -Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth”–Matt. 5:5. This is a doozy, considering that atheists also are, or can be, “meek.” And Christians who are rich and not “meek” wouldn’t get into heaven nor inherit the earth. These wretched, bewildered souls would need to pray for a UFO to come take them away someplace).

Jesus commands “forcibly suppression of opposition.”

   -“He that is not with me is against me”–(Matt. 12:30).

   “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me”–(Luke 19:27).

   It is Christianity, not Islam, which is “fascism.”

Moreover, as Jesus came to uphold the law of the Old Testament so much so that heaven and earth shall pass, as he declared, but not one jot or title shall not pass till they all be fulfilled–(Matt. 5:17-18), (and considering that Christians say that Jesus is God then the commands of the Old Testament are given by Jesus’), thus if Jesus/Christianity was lording America or Europe or any place else:

-men would be able to commit incest with their daughters, as Lot–(Gen. 20:11-12; Gen. 19:30-37);

   -slavery will be revived–(Lev. 25:44);

   -children will be punished for their parents “whoredoms”–(Num. 14:33-34. Also Rev. 2:20-23);

   -decapitation will be allowed: “And the Lord said unto Moses, take ALL THE HEADS of the people and HANG THEM UP before the Lord against the sun”–(Num. 25:4);

   –disbelievers will be killed –(Deut. 13:12-16);

   -the wife who tried to defend her husband by grabbing the testicles of her husband’s opponent will lose her hand–(Deut. 25:11-12);

   -cannibalism will be legal–(Deut. 28:53, 57; 2 Kings 6:28-29);

   -it would be legal to terrorized, slay, poison and feed worship-pers of false gods to beasts: “They (Jeshurun and his children) have moved me (God) to jealousy with that which is not God…I will heap mischiefs upon them; I will spend mine arrows upon them…I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust. The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs”–(Deut. 32: 15-25);

   –it will be legal to mutilate enemies: (The Israelites asked God “Who shall go up for us against the Canaanites first, to fight against them”) “And the Lord said, Judah shall go up: behold, I have delivered the land into his hand…and they slew of them in Bezek ten thousand men…and they pursued after him (Adonibezek), and caught him and CUT OFF HIS THUMBS and his GREAT TOES. And Adonibezek said, THREE SCORE AND TEN kings, having their THUMBS and their GREAT TOES CUT OFF”–(Judges 1:1-7. Islam only allows a defensive fighting and certainly not to “go up” and kill people to occupy their lands);

   –it would be legal to slay even the “infant and suckling” in war–(1 Samuel 15:2-3);

   -it would be legal to take men’s wives and give them in adultery because of their husband’s infidelity–(2 Samuel 12:7-11);

   -it would be legal to expose one’s self to others–(2 Samuel 6:14-22);

   -it would be allowed to have “dogs” eat the dead–(1 Kings 14:10-11);

   -as Solomon had “seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines” there will be unbridled polygamy and concubinage–(1 Kings 11:3);

   -Christians would be allowed to feed mischievous children to bears: “there came forth little children…and mocked him (Elisha). And he…cursed them in the name of the Lord, and there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them”–(2 Kings 2:22-24);

   –Christians would be allowed to wash their feet in the blood of the wicked–(Psalms 58:10);

   -it would be happiness to mutilate “little ones” and ravish the wives of others–(Psalm 137:9; Isaiah 13:16);

   -it would be legal to kill fetus during war–(Isaiah 13:15, 18; Hosea 13:16);

   -Woman would be seen and not heard and her daughter bondaged–(Gen. 3:16; Ex. 21:7; Ephesians 5:22-23, 33);

   -wives will have to learn in silence and subjection, and to not “usurp authority over the man”–(1 Tim. 2:11-12);

   -women and children will be beaten with “all gravity” to bring them into obedience and into silence and subjection–(Prov. 13:24; 19:18; 23:13-14. 1 Tim. 3:4; Heb. 12:6-8. And without doubt every “Christian” husband wants to deliver his stubborn and rebellious wife’s “soul from hell”);

daughters who commit “whoredom” will be burned–(Gen 38:24; Lev. 21:9);

   -blasphemers, apostates, married damsel without the “token of virginity,” and the virginal damsel who lies with a man other than her “betrothed,” stubborn and rebellious sons, and the adulteress would all be stoned to death–(Lev. 24:11-16, 23; Deut; 13:5-16; 17:2-5; Deut. 22:20-21; 22:23-24; 21:18-21; John 8:3-5);

   -the witch, one who curses his father or mother, the adulterer, homosexuals, and the man who commits bestiality would be put to death–(Ex. 22:18; Lev. 20:9; 10-12; Deut. 22:22; Lev. 20:13; 15-16);

   -a man who takes a “wife and her mother” both would be torched–(Lev. 20:14);

   -(as only Christians honor Christ as God/son of God) Christians are to bondage their fellow Christians–Ephesians 6:5; Colossians 3:22);

   -Christian leaders can walk “naked and barefoot” and can lead prisoners and captives, “young and old, naked and barefoot, even with their buttocks uncovered–(Isaiah 20:2-4);

   -Christians would agree with their adversaries which would include agreeing with all kinds of injustices–(Matt. 5:25; perhaps this is what the Church and Christian Europe were doing when the Nazis were holocausting Jews);

   –those who do not share the Christians’ views would be labeled as being “against” them, and enemies opposed to rule would be slaughtered–(Matt. 12:30; Luke 19:27; the Crusades will now be rolling out of America to secure Jerusalem for Christ’s landing; we might even get an American “Hitler” to avenge the killing of the Christian’s God/son of God);

   –men and women would have to remain in their marriage regardless of how loveless and miserable or risk being guilty of “adultery;” and the divorced woman would have to wilt her (youthful and beautiful) self in single-hood or her new husband will be charged with “adultery”–(Matt. 5:32; Luke 16:18);

   -woman would be reduced as an object for sex, good only “to avoid fornication–(1 Cor 7:1-2); viewed as inferior to man–(1 Cor. 11:7-9); as the transgressor and betrayer of man–(1 Tim. 2:14; Gen. 3:4-12; Ezek. 16:44); as “defiler” of man–(Rev. 7:4-8; 14:3-4);

   -as no one would be allowed to shovel treasures into earthly storehouses and would have to depend on God as he sends to the birds and flowers and thus no need for knowledge America will plummet like a lead-ball from the pinnacle of progress into the black-hole of backwardness–(Matt. 6:19, 25-26);

   -the Geneva convention on war would have to be re-written, for it would be legal to slay all the soldiers of war as well as slay all the male and matron women and take the virgin girls as sex slaves (and as Christians say Jesus is God this is what Jesus commanded): “And they warred against the Midianites, as the Lord commanded Moses….And Moses said unto them…Now therefore kill every MALE among the LITTLE ONES (of the captives), and kill EVERY WOMAN who hath known man by lying with him, but ALL THE WOMEN CHILDREN, that have not known a man by lying with him (virgin girls) KEEP ALIVE FOR YOURSELVES….and of WOMEN that had not known man by lying with him (virgin girls), were 32,000”–(Numbers 31:1-53). (See item #18).

(Non-Christians are to go down on their hands and knees and forehead and thank Allāh that America and nowhere else is governed by Jesus/Christianity. They would have to high-tail it out of America or kiss the useless and unGodly crucifix or have their heads lopped off, or in the case of Jews in 1400’s Vienna face the furnace).

   If Islam/Mohammad (not to be confused with Muslims though Muslims are to reflect the teachings of Islam) was lording America (or any place):

   -women and men would be observing a dress code (which probably all disciplined organizations have) –women, the HIJABand jalaba and men, (the minimum) the area between, and including, the navel and the knees and half of the chest

   -women will be given all the rights due to her and leave her nothing for which to strive;

   -there would be limited POLYGAMY to alleviate female preponderancy; non-Muslims would be governed by the laws of their scripture (to an extent);

   -there would be no ALCOHOL (one does not need intoxicants to have a good time; in fact intoxicants do not give a “good time”: the best of times are had in sobriety);

   there would be no gambling; no pornography; no prostitution and thus no pimping; thieves (depending on the reason for theft and cost of item) will lose their hands (law-abiding citizens will be much safer and secure, and wouldn’t need to imprison themselves in gated communities); drug-lords and pushers and rapists and other “dead-weight” of society who strive to make mischief in the land and prey on the vulnerable of society run the risk of getting the maximum sentence of crucifixion;

   -men will not be saddled with alimony payments for his ex-wife’s unmarried life;

   -there will be one law for the commoner as well as for the elite (there will be no diplomatic immunity);

   -adulterers and fornicators will be publicly flogged (there is no death for adultery, apostasy and blasphemy, and no honor killing in Islam. See SHARI'AH-SUPREME SYSTEM).

   Only the occupier/usurper, the oppressor, the exploiter, the transgressor, those ignorant of Islam, those dedicated to falsehood and those dedicated to living off the blood of others are terrified of Islam.



1. Ismail Zayid, Palestine, A Stolen Heritage, p. 33; (From a letter written by a student) Published in “Haolam Haze,” an Israeli newspaper, (issue 1594) and quoted in “Israel Imperial News,” October, 1968. The material states:

“I am a pupil in a college in Be’er Sheva. I don’t want trouble. The director of the office of education will not like my letter; therefore I am not signing my full name.

The problem: KHUZARI BOOK, which is approved by the office of education. In the introduction to the book Dr. Tzifroni writes:

“The nation of Israel is a chosen nation because of its race, its education and the climate of the land in which it was brought up. The race of the Israeli people is the most superior of all races”. I think that these sentences require no explanation.

                                                Mira, Be’er Sheva.”

2. From a Friday sermon. According to the Imam this saying is listed in Bokhari Adab al-mufraad.

3. Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din, Open Letters To The Bishops of Salisbury & London, p. 137.

4. Muhammad Ali comm. to Qur’an 12:92.

5. Kamal-ud-Din, Khwaja, Open Letters To The Bishops of Salisbury & London, p. 147.

6. Khwaja Nazir Ahmad notes in his book Jesus in Heaven on Earth, (Sixth Ed; 1988, (First Ed; April, 1952). Published by Dar-ul-Isha’at-Kutub-E-Islamia, Fatmabai Court, 4th floor above Bank of Maharashtra, 17 Maulana Azad Road, Jacob Circle, Bombay 400 011. Tel: 893438-398330. This invaluable book might be obtainable through on p. 404:

            “The Gospels record Jesus age twelve in the temple.  Then about age thirty at the river Jordan. That leaves approximately seventeen years unaccounted for. During those so-called lost years, the child “increased in wisdom and stature,” as Luke wrote. But was it in the carpenter shop at Nazareth?

              According to ancient Tibetan manuscripts, Jesus secretly withdrew from the home of Mary and Joseph at age thirteen. Young “Issa” joined a merchant caravan.  Destination: India and the Himalayas.

            At Juggernaut, “the white priests of Brahma made him a joyous welcome. They taught him to read and understand the Vedas, to cure by aid of prayer, to teach, to explain the holy scriptures to the people, and to drive out evil spirits from the bodies of men.”

            -Buddhist scholars documented “The Life of Saint Issa” two thousand years ago.

            -Nicholas Notovitch discovered the long-lost document in 1887 at the Himis monastery in Ladakh.

            -Swami Abhedananda published a Bengali translation of the Himis manuscript in 1929.

            -Nicholas Roerich quoted the same verses in a 1929 travel diary of his Asian expedition.

           -And in 1939, a beaming lama at Himis presented a set of parchments to Elizabeth Caspari with the words: “These books say your Jesus was here!”

7. Encyclopaedia Biblica, p. 1880, Section G., Westcott and Hort, The New Testament in the Original Greek, Appendix).

8..The Bible/Christ is for Jews only until the coming of the COMFORTERat which time Jews are to follow this Comforter who will guide them into “all truth”–(John 14:16; 16:13). Previous to this teaching of Jesus, God had decreed that kingship and prophethood would depart from the Jewish people at the advent of Shiloh–(Gen. 49:10); Moses foretold that God will raise up a prophet like him (Moses) whom the Israelites are to follow–(Deut. 18:15, 18-19); and Jesus further said that the kingdom of God shall be taken from the Israelites and given to another people–(Matt. 21:43). And this Shiloh, prophet like Moses and the Comforter have been shown to be the Prophet Mohammad. (See Prof. Abdul Ahad Dawud –the former Reverend David Benjamin Keldani– Muhammad in the Bible, and Abdul Haque Vidyarthi, Muhammad in World Scriptures, Vol. 1). In Deut. 18:18-19 of the Bible Moses made it clear that God says all those who do not follow this prophet like him that, “whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him” (i.e. they will have to answer to God for not following this prophet–Mohammad). And in what seems to be a reflection of this decree of God, the Prophet Mohammad is reported as having said: “he who amongst the community of Jews or Christians hears about me, but does not affirm his belief in that which I have been sent and dies in this state (of disbelief), he shall be but one of the denizens of Hell”–(Muslim Vol. 1, #284). While all prophets of God taught Islam –peace and submission to God– Islam was perfected only through the Prophet Mohammad:This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favour to you and chosen for you Islam as a religion–(Qur’an 5:3). Thus, as Islam (as taught by the Prophet Mohammad) is superior to all religions, whoever needs another religion it will not be accepted: Surely the (true) religion with Allāh is Islam;” “Seek they then other than Allāh’s religion? And to Him submits whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him they will be returned.” “And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers”–(Qur’an 3:19, 83, 85). The Qur’an comprises of the best teachings given to other prophets as well as teachings not given to other prophets: “We narrate to thee the best of narratives, in that We have revealed to thee this Qur’an, though before this thou wast of those unaware;” “And certainly We have set forth for men in this Qur’an similitudes of every sort that they may mind;” “We have not neglected anything in the Book;” “A Messenger from Allāh, reciting pure pages, Wherein are (all) right books”–(Qur’an (12:3; 39:27; 6:38; 98:2-3). Thus, the Qur’an comprises of, exceeds, and supersedes all other Scriptures.There is no wisdom in following a man who did not give ‘all truth” or in following a Book that is devoid of “all truth.”

9. Yusuf Ali, Qur’anic comm. #663.

10. See item #6.
