
In the name of Allāh,
the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Peace and Blessings of Allāh on Mohammad.
Allāh–the Glorious and the High,
Lord of the worlds
Mohammad–who brought the world
to our feet and eternity to our arms.


“This day have I (Allāh God)
perfected for you your religion
and completed My favour to you
and chosen for you Islam as a religion”
(Qur’an 5:3)

Views have been expressed by some who claim to be Muslims that Islam needs to be reformed. However, no reasons or specifics are given as to what reform is needed in Islam, or which law of Islam needs to be changed. Unless the mean the entire religion of Islam.

It is astonishing that Muslims are claiming that Islam, which Allāh the All-knowing has “perfected,” needs to be reformed.

All the laws of Islam are valid today as they were at the time of revelation, and will continue to be valid to the Resurrection. While in some societies the condition may be such that some of its teachings –such as women are not to travel without a male family member (even though it is a fact that women need protection, see Islam-women), two women’s witness is required in place of one man (and this is for business transactions only) that may be waived, it does not mean that these laws are redundant. For there are other places where they may be applicable. In any event such laws are there for application when the situation requires them.

Irshad Manji wrote in her book The Trouble with Islam:
(1) “If ever there was a moment for an Islamic reformation, it’s now. For the love of God, what are we doing about it?” “I owe the West my willingness to help reform Islam. In all honesty, my fellow Muslims, you do too.” (pp. 3, 222, respectively).
A woman who does not know one end of Islam from the other wants to reform/improve that which Allāh God has “perfected.” Subhan Allāh!

(2) “Having been told that the Sharia represents Islamic ideals, most Muslims assume it’s holy. Hooey. “[T]he bulk of the shari’ah,” writes reform advocate Ziauddun Sardar, “is nothing more than the legal opinion of classical jurists”–in other words, those belonging to the four schools of Sunni thought). (Ibid; p. 66).
While Muslim jurists may have given their opinion, Shari’ah is the law of ALLĀH. Whatever in Shari’ah that is the opinion of the jurists that contradicts with the Qur’an is to be discarded. (See Islam-Shari’ah).

(3) “Why appeal to Islam at all? It‘s a question posed by Taslima Nasrin, who adamantly believes that reform will emerge only when religion retreats. As far as she’s concerned, Muslims need to replace religious laws with civil ones, completely separating mosque and state. But must Islamic countries imitate Judeo-Christian ones in order to be humane?” (Ibid; p. 186)
(One blind following another blind).
It is obvious Taslima Nasrin knows nothing about Islam. Which Judeo-Christian law is more “humane” than Islamic law? Which of the Qur’anic laws is not “humane” and not “civil”?

There is no “civil” law that is superior to Islamic law, There is no moral law that can be legislated in a “democracy” that could not be legislated under Islam (Islam & democracy). In Islam human rights belong to all. In fact, in Islam even lower animals have rights–(Qur’an 6:38).
(Notably, in Islam there is no stoning/death for adultery, apostasy, and blasphemy, and no honor killing. These are the Jewish and Christian laws. See the various topics on
ISLAM. Jews and Christians may not be practicing/enforcing these laws, but their Scripture/ God demands it and heaven lies in following Scripture/God).  (For a comment on Irshad Manji’s book see 
The Trouble with Islam-Irshad Manji).

And Tariq Ramadan “challenges Muslims to secularize, update, modernize and reform Islam.”1
Whereas Muslims are not to alienate ourselves from non-Muslims –we can abstain from intoxicants, pork, partying, and illicit relations and observe our prayer, fasting, etc and yet mix with non-Muslims– as our mission is to teach the Divine Message of the Qur’an to the world; how do these Muslims intend to “secularize, update, modernize and reform” Islam?
How can you make better that which Allah has “perfected”? How can the following teachings of Islam be made better:

–fulfilling covenants, keeping of oaths and not to be deceptive (Qur’an 16:91-92); to speak justly (6:153); to be righteous (2:277-278; 6:152-154); to not let hatred for a people incite you to transgress (5:2); to render back trusts to whom they are due, and to judge justly (4:58); because Allah God loves those who judge in equity (5:45-47)

–not to deal unjustly with men (2:279, 5:8); and not to rob them of their dues (26:183); to give justice even if it be against one’s self or parents or kins or whether he be poor or rich (4:135), to feed the needy and the poor, to free the captives, to help those in debt, to care for the orphans, the wayfarer, and to free the slaves (9:60, 2:177), not to act corruptly in the earth or to make mischief (26:183); not to be transgressors (2:190), not to help one another in sin and aggression (5:2), to restrain our anger and forgive others (3:133), to fight on behalf of the oppressed (4:75; 22:39-40); because Allah God loves those who are just, and because He commands justice and the doing of good, and He forbids injustice (60:8, 16:90)

–not to help or counsel one another in sin, but in goodness (5:2; 60:8-9); not to take a greater recompense than the injury suffered (2:194; 16:126; 42:40); that instead of retaliation, to make reconciliation, and to show patience and forgiveness (16:126; 42:39-43); to be merciful and forgiving (3:133); to fight only as long as there is persecution/oppression (2:193), and to make peace when the enemy desires peace (4:90, 8:61); because Allah God loves the doer of good, and the dutiful (2:195, 3:75)

–all men are created equal (95:4), that we are made into different tribes and nations that we may know one another (49:13), that we are to be judged not by our race, color or nationality but by our deeds (6:133), that the noblest ones are those who are righteous (49:13, 98:7), to return evil with that which is better (23:96), to give justice (4:58; 5:8); because Allah God loves those who judge in equity, and because Allah God is aware of what you do (5:45, 4:135)

–to avoid illicit relations (17:32); to establish regular prayer, because prayer keeps one from indecency and evil (29:45);

–that both man and woman were created from the same medium (4:1), and are to be life partners (25:54; 16:72; 24:32); with love and compassion between them–(7:189; 30:21)

–Woman has like rights with those of man –the same is due to her as is due from her (2:228). She is a garment of man as he is her garment (to cover, protect, beautify, and comfort (2:187); and is “a fountain of love and affection”–(30:21); and his friend/ protector–(9:71)

–women can earn, and can inherit and own property (4:32, 7, 177); she has exclusive right to utilize her earnings however she pleases (4:4, 32); she is to be honored (4:1) and that she and man are inheritors of Paradise (43:70; 4:124; 16:97; 33:35)

–condemns compulsion (2:256); aggression (32:20); oppression, persecution (2:193; 42:42); and exploitation (6:153; 26:181-184; 83:1-4)

–promotes peace (8:61), love (60:7-8); patience (23:111), tolerance (24:22; 45:14), and justice for all regardless of race, color or creed (4:135; 7:29; 16:90)

–advocates that all, regardless of race, nationality or color are equal, and that one is better than the other only through righteousness (49:13);

–to fight on behalf of the oppressed (4:75); and for religious freedom, for all (8:39; 22:40).

–allows freedom of religion (2:256; 6:105-109; 9:107-108; 10:88-100; 18:29; 42:15; 50:45; 76:3; 109:1-6); freedom of movement, thought, and expression (4:140; 6:68, 108; 29:52); the pursuit of knowledge, and the acquisition of wealth and property–(2:274-275, 276-282; 35:12; 53:48; 62:10);

–to choose only those worthy of power and to exercise justice–(4:58); to govern by consultation/counsel.–(3:158; 4:58; 42:38. Here’s democracy for you; and 1400 years ago, while Europe was yet running around with flint tools and torches).

Unless these Muslims can make better that which Allāh God has perfected, these Muslims need to talk/write less and use their heads more. They may be kindling their Hell-fire with their tongues/pens.



1. Toronto Star, Saturday, January 18, 2014, Rick Salutin, Coming to grips with Islam, p. IN 5.
