Mohammad-and Moulood


In the name of Allāh,
the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Peace and Blessings of Allāh on Mohammad.
Allāh–the Glorious and the High,
Lord of the worlds
Mohammad–who brought the world
to our feet and eternity to our arms



(Proofs are yet to be advanced to substantiate the charge that Mohammad was an “impostor.” In fact, of all the claimants to prophethood, Jesus included, Mohammad is the only one who, through the inimitable Qur’an, can substantiate his claim to Divine Messengership).

Allāh created us because He loves to be known, said Prophet Mohammad. To let us know His reason for creating us, Allāh raised prophets among all peoples, and gave them one common message: There is no God but Allāh, He alone is to be worship-ped (God is known by a name according to the language of the people)–(Qur’an 21:25).

   Mohammad came to the Arabs who were yet to receive Divine guidance–(Qur’an 28:46; 32:3; 34:44; 36:6), and to unite all peoples under one system–(Qur’an 7:158; 13:7; 21:107; 34:28).  (See MOHAMMAD–DID NOT EXIST).

Mohammad, descended from Abraham and Lady Hajra (Hagar) through their son, Ishmael, was born in the year 570 C.E (Christian Era), in Makkah, Arabia. His father, Abdullah, died before Mohammad was born. His mother, Amenah, died when Mohammad was six years old. Mohammad’s caretaker and grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, died soon afterwards. Nursed by Lady Halimah from birth till the age of six, Mohammad was raised by his uncle Abu Talib.

   At twenty-five, Mohammad married his employer, Lady Khadijah, who was then forty years of age.
At the age of forty Mohammad received the first revelation of the Qur’an from Allāh God through the Angel Gabriel. It was during the month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and during one of his usual meditating moments in a cave in Mount Hira, on the outskirt of Makkah.

The revelation of the Qur’an lasted for a period of twenty-years. And covers all aspects of human life –social, moral, intellectual, and spiritual.
The Qur’an comprises of the best teachings from previous Scriptures that are applicable for all times, and also contains teachings not met with in past Scriptures. Thus the Qur’an exceeds, and supersedes all Scriptures. And is the Criterion between Truth and Falsehood in Religions.
Through His Qur’an Allāh also gave prophecies, scientific pronouncements, and events of the Doomsday. (See Qur’an-prophecies;  Qur’an-science).

   Forced to flee Makkah because of persecution, Mohammad migrated to Madinah, formerly Yathrib. The Muslim calendar is dated based on this migration known as the Hijrah.
The Prophet Mohammad died at Makkah in 632. He was sixty-two years of age.    

   One of the allowances of Islam is the institution of polygamy; maximum four wives–(Qur’an 4:3). This allowance was given following the battle of Uhud, as Muhammad Ali notes, in which “70 men out of 700 Muslims had been slain, and this decimation had largely decreased the number of males, who, being the breadwinners, were the natural guardians and supporters of the females.”

   Polygamy in Islam is an exception rather than the rule. It is only recommended as a remedial measure. It is a fact that females mature earlier than males1 and women live longer than men do; and the flames of war usually leave in its ashes many widows. While some women may be financially independent, they have feminine needs, which can be met either in the unceremonious cot of concubinage or in the honorable bed of wifehood.

   It is not morally healthy for men to have half a dozen paramours than to have women in the dignity of polygamous marriages. To prevent the moral decay of society, Islam allows a limited polygamy to alleviate the problem of female preponderancy.

   That Islam allows polygamy even though Allah knows that man is not capable of “impartiality.” This is so because the preservation of the moral standards of society, which Islam strives to foster, is of a greater importance than man’s inability to be impartial with his affections. (And it is morally and socially better that man live with this partiality in polygamous marriage than in promiscuity). However, the man must make all efforts to minimize this partiality.

   Polygamy is no vice, but a virtue when practiced in accordance with the Qur’an. It is doubtful that a decent woman would not prefer to be a second or even third or fourth wife in the Divine sanctuary of marriage but to be a “kept woman” in the immoral parlor of concubinage.

   Though the Prophet Mohammad had some “fifteen” wives; it is significant to know his reasons for his multiple marriages. Which reasons are manifold:

(1) Social–married Safiyyah, a high-born Jewess captive of war to maintain her social status.
(2) Federal–to effect unity between tribes; one such marriage was to Hafsa; the Prophet’s marriage to ‘Aisha was three-fold: Divine revelation–(Bokhari Vol. 7, # 15; to effect unity between tribes; and to put an end to marriages with pre-teen girls (see Aisha & Mohammad).
(3) Diplomatic–accepted Mary, the Coptic, as gift from ruler of Egypt, (Solomon also engaged in diplomatic marriages: “To secure diplomatic and commercial treaties Solomon contracted marriage with various princesses”–Ency. Brit; 15th Ed; Vol. 2, p. 913).
(4) Religious expediency–married many widows of war, (5) Divine instructions–married Zainab as per Qur’an 33:36-37. (Regarding the critics so-called “scandal” see Mohammad-Zainab scandal, and Mohammad-Hafsa scandal (& Mary). And for the critic’s charge that Mohammad was a “child molester” see ‘Aisha & Mohammad).

   For twenty-five years Mohammad lived a life of celibacy. For twenty-nine years, from 25-54, he lived in a monogamous marriage with a woman fifteen years his senior. Only from 54 did he enter into multiple marriages. After the death of his first wife, Khadijah, Mohammad married Saudah, “a widow of advanced age;” then ‘Aisha; Hafsah, a widow; Zainab, “daughter of Khuzaimah,” a widow; Umm Salmah, a widow; Zainab, the former wife of Zaid; Umm Habibah, a widow; Juwairiyah, Maimunah, and Safiyyah, three widows taken as war captives, whose marriages “in each case” “led to the union and pacification of a whole tribe;” and in the case of his marriage to Juwairiyah “a hundred families” of her tribe, “the Bani Mustaliq” “was at once liberated by the Muslims;” and Mary, the Coptic. (Muhammad Ali, comm. Qur’an 33:50).

Mohammad was the first and the only prophet to declare that Allāh God raised messengers in all nations–(Qur’an 10:47); and made it a command that Muslims believe in all these messengers and in the message given to them by Allāh–(Qur’an 2:136, 285; 4:152).

As Mohammad embraced these messengers he declared through Revelation that all messengers of the world foretold his coming–(Qur’an 3:80). The last of these prophets to foretell the coming of Mohammad was the prophet Jesus Christ–(Qur’an 61:6).

   Whereas Mohammad does not need any other Scripture to substantiate his status as Divine Messenger –the Qur’an, with its style and diction, and prophecies that have already manifested, scientific pronouncements that have been verified, and events of the Doomsday that have found resonance in the scientific community being sufficient– Abdul Haque Vidyarthi, in his monumental work Muhammad In World Scriptures, “had adduced 3000 incontrovertible arguments and signs proving the truthfulness of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and his Divine mission.” He has shown that the Prophet Mohammad was foretold in “Mystic Syllables Of Egyptian Book Of The Dead, and in Zoroastrian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish and Christian Scriptures.”

In Vol. 1, he has shown that the Prophet Mohammad is:

-the Mahadeo Arab of the Bhavishya Purana–Prati Sarg Prev iii; 3.3.5-6

-the Mamah Rishi of the Atharva Veda–20:121:3

-the Ahmad (‘mistakenly’ translated as “Ahm at hi”) of the Sama Veda–2:6.8

-the Maitreya (Metteya) Buddha foretold by Gautama Buddha

-the “M” in the Hindu and Buddhists’ “OM;” the Jewish “EMET;” and the Christians’ “MARANATHA”-(1 Cor; 16:22).

-the sun (who “sharpen and refine our intellect”) of Hinduism’s Gayatri mantra of the Rig Veda–3:62:10.

   Regarding the Prophet Mohammad being foretold in the Vedas:   Abdul Haque has detailed several prophecies about the Prophet Mohammad in the Vedas. The most significant prophecy is the Gayatri mantra of the Rig Veda. AHV says the Gayatri mantra has also been called “Savitri, the mother of all the Vedas.” “In this translation we shall not adduce anything of our own. The text of the Gayatri has been quoted from Rig Veda, mandal 3, Sukt 62, mantra 10: and the rendering, too, is not ours but that of the pandits themselves.” The Gayatri mantra reads:

           “Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhi Mahi
       Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodyat”

“Its literal translation is:

“That Sun, bright and pure, the god’s great wisdom
–may he sharpen and refine our intellect.”

   (Abdul Haque notes “Obscurities in the translation” and proceeds): “Keeping these perplexities in view, one is naturally tempted to ask: Whom the prayer has been addressed to in the mantra. To the Sun, or the Light of the Sun, or to his wisdom and intellect?” Haque points out that to give meaning to this Gayatri mantra, “the pandits prefix these four words which does not exist in the Veda Om bhur bhava svaha. The word Om, it may be noted, is not found anywhere in the Rig Veda. These four words they interpolate and insert before the Gayatri mantra for the reason that it may yield some significance at least.”

   AHV also points out that some pandits, “in order to make the Sun the ultimate object, of the term tat, add of their accord the word tasya after it. In that case, the term tat seems to be superfluous and redundant.” AHV shows, through analysis, that the “Sun” mentioned in the above mantra is not the physical sun but a spiritual sun. “Verenyam means Munira i.e. the giver of light; and the meaning of Munira is The light-giving Sun.” That “Savitur Varenyam” of the Gayatri mantra is just like “Sirajam Munira” (“the light-giving sun”) which epithet the Prophet Mohammad is mentioned as in the Qur’an:

“O Prophet, surely We have sent thee as a witness, and a bearer of good news and a warner, And as an inviter to Allah by His permission, and as a light-giving sun”–(Qur’an 33:45-46).

   “With Hindus the Gayatri mantra carries very much the same sacred significance as does the holy kalimah (the formula of faith) with the Muslims. This mantra (sacred verse) has also been called Savitri, the mother of all the Vedas, just as Surah Fatihah (the opening chapter of the Holy Qur’an) has been called Umm-al Qur’an (the mother or basis of the Qur’an) by the Muslims.” And this “mother of all the Vedas” is a prophecy about the Prophet Mohammad. (pp. 247-266).

   As Allāh, God, knowing how many prophets He would send into the world, had the prophets of various nations foretell the coming of His last Prophet, Mohammad, it is reasonable that He would in His first Scripture to mankind, the Rig Veda, make mention of this last Prophet of His through whom His favors to man would be “completed,” religion “perfected” and who will give “all truth.” One who has brought “all truth,” “completed” favors” and “perfected” religion, there is no more truth to be given, no more favors to be had, and nothing to supersede perfection. In effect, there is no other light more resplendent, more illuminating than the “light-giving sun”the Prophet Mohammad.

   Buddha foretold the coming of another Buddha (the Maitreya). This is proof that he, like Jesus, did not give “all truth.” If “all truth” was given by Buddha then there would be no need for another Buddha. Therefore, complete guidance cannot be obtained by following Buddha or Jesus. Jesus specifically says to follow the Comforter who will guide us into “all truth”–(John 14:16; 16:13).

(a) Mohammad is the Prophet to whom the “book is delivered” and is the Prophet who is “not learned” as Isaiah has said–(Isaiah 29:12). (When Mohammad received the first revelation–Qur’an 96:1-5, he said to the angel, “I do not know how to read” –Bokhari Vol. 1, # 3).

(b) Mohammad is the Prophet who brought us the book of seven seals” (Opening chapter of the Qur’an, 1:1-7) and the “everlasting gospel” (the Qur’an), as can be found in Revelation 5:1; 8:1; 14:6.

(c) Mohammad is the “Faithful and True” rider upon the “white horse” who “in righteousness he judges and makes war” as can be found in Revelation 19:11. The names of the two horses of the Prophet were “Luhoof” and “Sanjah.”  “And there was nothing ambiguous about his white horse which he actually possessed for riding.” “It is strange that no prophet of the Israelite was allowed to ride a horse. God forbade trade with Egypt which was famous for trade in horses (Deuteronomy 17:16), and only Solomon had horses. The judges and princes of Israelites used generally to ride on mules and asses.  Therefore in the prophecy the rider of a horse is Muhammad and the rider of an ass is Christ,” notes Abdul Haque, (p. 342).

(d) Mohammad is the “Shiloh” foretold by the Prophet Jacob: “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a law-giver from between his feet until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be”–(Genesis 49:10).

Prof. ‘Abdul Ahad Dawud B.D. –“the former Reverend David Benjamin Keldani, B.D., a Roman Catholic priest of the Uniate-Chaldean sect”– in his book Muhammad in the Bible, has explained this prophecy in detail to show that it cannot apply to either Moses, David, or Jesus, but, that this prophecy could relate only to the Prophet Mohammad because “Muhammad came with military power and the Qur‘an to replace the old Jewish worn-out sceptre and the impracticable and old-fashioned law of sacrifices and of a corrupt priesthood.”

   Prof. Dawud notes, that the Jewish “institutions” of “Royal Sceptre and the Prophetical Succession” “have been extinct for over thirteen centuries.” And that “the tribe of Judah also has disappeared together with its royal authority and its sister–the prophetical succession.”

   Thus, “The Jews are forced to accept one or the other of the two alternatives, namely, either to admit that Shiloh has come already, but that their forefathers did not recognize him, or to accept the fact that there exists no longer a tribe of Judah from which Shiloh will have to descend.”

   Moreover, the prophecy clearly states that Shiloh “is to be a total stranger to the tribe of Judah, and even to all the other tribes,” the Prof. points out –the sceptre and the law-giver were to remain with Judah until the arrival of Shiloh. “If Shiloh be a descendant of Judah, how could those two elements [sceptre and lawgiver] cease to exist in that tribe?” Shiloh “could not be a descendant of any of the other tribes either, for the sceptre and the lawgiver were for all Israel, and not for one tribe only. This observation explodes the Christian claim as well. For Jesus is a descendant of Judah–at least from his mother’s side.”    

   It is clear from the above that “the Jews are vainly expecting the coming of another Shiloh, and that the Christians are obstinately persisting in their error in believing that it was Jesus who was intended by Shiloh.” (pp. 54, 55, 58, 57).

(e) Mohammad is the “Himada,” and Islam is the “Shalom” prophesied by Haggai 2:7-9. (Prof. Dawud has shown that this “Himda” is “Ahmed; that is to say, Muhammad.” (Muhammad In The Bible).      

(f) Mohammad is the “Comforter” who guided us “into all truth” (and whose book the Qur’an will abide “forever”) as Jesus has said–(John 16:13; 14:16). (See   Jesus-Comforter).

(g) “I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee (Moses), and will put my words in his mouth….”–(Deut; 18:18).

   Jesus is not the owner of this prophecy of Deuteronomy. Jesus did not bring a law as Moses did. Jews are “brethren” not only of one another but are also “brethren” of the Arabs. (See Jesus-like Moses).

(h) Mohammad is the prophet whom all the prophets have foretold since the world began–(Acts 3:21-23). (Jesus never claimed to be the fulfilment of this prophecy of Acts 3:21-23. In fact, he prophesied the coming of another Comforter who will guide us “into all truth”-[John 14:16; 16:13]. It is to be noted also that here Jesus, admittedly, did not give “all truth”: that, he left for the Comforter to do). (See Jesus-only name on earth).

   In his book Muhammad in World Scriptures, Vol.1, Abdul Haque has shown that the Zoroastrian Scriptures, Dasatir and Zend Avesta, contain several prophecies about the Prophet Mohammad. The one most notable in Dasatir is that in the epistle of Sasan I. Its translation have been summarized thus:

“when the Zoroastrian people will forsake their religion and will become dissolute a man will rise in Arabia whose followers will conquer Persia and subjugate the arrogant Persians. Instead of worship­ping fire in their own temples, they will turn their faces in prayer towards Ka’bah of Abraham which will be cleared of all idols. They (the followers of the Arabian prophet), will be a mercy unto the world–(Mohammad is a mercy to the world–Qur’an 7:158; 21:107).

They will become masters of Persia, Madain, Tus, Balkh, the sacred places of the Zoroastrians and the neighbour­ing territories. Their prophet will be an elo-quent man telling miraculous things.”  

The scripture clearly declares that a man will be raised in Arabia, and that he will conquer Persia and the people will pray facing the Ka’ba in Makkah, Arabia. Abdul Haque explains:

“Before the advent of the Holy Prophet (Mohammad), the Zoroastrians had lost most of their scriptures. They had deteriorated both in morality and religion, and all these facts are clearly recorded in the epistle of Sasan. This was the first sign of the appearance of the reformer. The prophecy of his advent was so well-known to the Parsis and Magians and they were so anxious about the appearance of their redeemer, that they flocked with their presents to any place where they heard a reformer had appeared. The author of St. Matthew’s Gospel also heard of this news and in order to apply this famous prophecy on Jesus Christ he coined an imaginary tale and recorded it in the Gospel. The author of this Gospel is well-known for this peculiar trait. Whatever good news he heard of, he at once applied it on Jesus, and he never cared what interpretation he was given to the text of an ancient scripture, but he did his best to prove somehow or other that the text referred to Jesus Christ. A prophecy of the appearance of ‘the praised one’ was current in Persia, and the Gospel writer having come to know of it at once coined a story, without contemplating that he was recording many unbelievable things and events contrary to actual facts. And the very fact that no other Gospel­-writer has confirmed this story is enough to reject it. The author of St. Matthew’s Gospel writes that when Jesus was born, some Magians and wise men of the East were directed to him by a star; the star went before them till it came and stood over where Christ was, and thus they came to worship him and offer him their presents (Matt. 2:1-11). St. Luke, on the other hand, claims to ‘have perfect understanding of all things from the very first’ (Luke 1:3), but he makes no mention at all of the Magians having come to Christ or of the star that directed them to him, although he makes mention of a petty fact of the shepherds having come to see Christ. No star directed the shepherds, the only sign given to them by the angel was:

“Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes,
lying in a manger”–(Luke 2:12).

   Nowhere else save in the Gospel of St. Matthew is there a mention of the Magians having come all the way from Persia to present their gifts to Christ or of the star going before them.

   Dr. Ferrar, in his ‘Life of Jesus Christ’, writes of these contradictions in the following terms:

“There is nothing but a mass of confused and contradictory traditions to throw any light either on their rank, their country, their number or their names.” (Dr. Ferrar’s ‘Life of Jesus Christ’ page 30).

   This tradition in the Christian scriptures, however, proves that a prophecy of the advent of the Holy Prophet was current among the Magians and they were so anxiously waiting for the Promised Prophet that even their anxiety was known far and near. The author of St. Matthew’s Gospel exploited the widespread publicity of this prophecy and at once applied it to Jesus Christ.”(pp. 139-145).

   As noted, the prophecy states that the Promised Prophet will be from Arabia, will conquer Persia, destroy idols and the people will pray facing the Ka’ba in Makkah, Arabia. Jesus was not raised in Arabia, nor destroyed idols, nor did his followers conquer Persia, nor does his people pray facing the Ka’ba. The only prophet born in Arabia who destroyed idols and whose followers conquered Persia and prayed facing the Ka’ba was the Prophet Mohammad.

   Mohammad could not be a “false” prophet; the proofs of his Divine office are more profound than any other claimant to Divine Dispensation.

   Miracles, which can also be performed by false Christs and false prophets, as Jesus declared–(Matt. 24:24), and a few sermons, which can perhaps be delivered by any wise person having oratory skills, are not proofs of prophethood–much less are they proof of Divinity.

   That false Christs and false prophets shall show signs and to beware of false prophets who are wolves disguised as sheep–(Mark 13:22; Matt. 7:15), this could easily apply to Jesus. Not only did Jesus leave no written work, even his “miracles” could arguably be that of a “false” prophet. Moreso, in his ministry which lasted only three years, according to the Gospel(s), he wanted to slaughter all his enemies who did not want him to rule even though they may not militate against him–(Luke 19:27); compared to Mohammad who faced death for two decades of his twenty-three year ministry; and who yet forgave his horrid ene-mies –Jesus had no captives to forgive; and he prayed for “God” to forgive his “crucifiers;” though it is senseless to “forgive” “crucifiers” if they were fulfilling Scripture by “crucifying” him.

   Also, it may be argued that if Jesus’ birth was miraculous and his miracles were factual or literal, it is doubtful that Jews would dishonor him and want to crucify him considering that the Jewish landscape is multi-colored with miracles, so much so that even Balaam’s ass spoke to him.

   After recording the birth of Jesus, the next Biblical account we hear of Jesus, after his circumcision at eight days old, is at the age of twelve at Jerusalem. Then he disappeared from the Gospels and appeared eighteen years later, at the age of thirty, at the river Jordan. For some twenty-nine of his alleged thirty-three years of his living there is no Biblical account of Jesus.

Considering the manner in which the Gospels have reached us–with its “improbabilities and contradictions”–they can hardly be an adequate guide on the personality of Jesus Christ.

   Coupled with the fact that there are disagreements between Christians as to the true identity and mission of Christ –some holding that he is God and some that he is only the son of God; some saying he died for inherited sin and others saying that he died for committed sin– and also whereas some believed Jesus was killed on the cross, was buried and risen, “some of the early Christian sects did not believe that Christ was killed on the cross. The Basilidans believed that some one else was substituted for him. The Docetae held that Christ never had a real physical or natural body, but only an apparent or phantom body, and that his Crucifixion was only apparent, not real. The Marcionite Gospel (about A.D. 138) denied that Jesus was born, and merely said that he appeared in human form.”3

   Such varied and dubious expositions can hardly be sources of genuine inspiration. But for Mohammad Jesus Christ may have long since been relegated to the bin of myths and legends. It was Mohammad who, through the Divine Revelation of the infallible Qur’an, removed the shroud of calumny wrapped around Jesus and his mother, Mary –that Mary was an “adulteress” and Jesus was of illegitimate birth– and appareled them in rubious robes or righteousness; and cleared away the cumulous clouds of conjectures shrouding Jesus and sat him elegantly in the celestial spotlight of Divine Truth–of him being human and a prophet of God –and has secured for him today the unflagging allegiance of more than one billion Muslims.

Mohammad was no anti-Christ!
Mohammad “testify” of Christ!
(John 15:26).

(It would be a gross error to view Muslims as “enemies” of Jesus. In fact, considering that Jesus taught the Unity of God, sinless birth, eternal life through obedience to the Commandments of God and to love him requires following the Comforter, (Mohammad), Muslims, who observe these teachings of Jesus, can be said to be the true followers of Jesus).

As no religion can be shown to be superior to or equal with Islam, whoever rejects Mohammad/Islam will go to hell–(cf. Qur’an 3:84-85; 9:113. Muslim, Vol, 1; # 284).

   Mohammad, through the Blessed Qur’an, brought the world to our feet and eternity to our arms; he gave us to drink of the fountain of knowledge and truth and wisdom and reason, of peace and love and hope and mercy and forgiveness.

   Mohammad not only embraced all the prophets of all the nations but also removed the cloak of “sinfulness” hurled upon those. He removed the shroud of calumny wrapped around Jesus and his mother, Mary, and appareled them all in rubious robes or righteousness.

   Mohammad not only preached forgiveness but he forgave his most horrid enemies, and he brought peace and mercy to the earth.

   Mohammad not only preached peace and he not only made peace with his persecutors, but also guided them into “all truth.”

   Mohammad not only preached love of enemies and loved his enemies, but also made them beneficiaries in his kingdom.

   Mohammad not only preached kindness, but was also the “soul of kindness.”

   Mohammad not only preached the giving of charity and gave charity, but also bought slaves their freedom, and assigned a portion of the States’ funds for the poor.

   Mohammad unshackled the slave from the oars of hopelessness and put in his grasp the scepter of regality.

   Mohammad extricated Woman from the bog of degradation in which she was mired and enthroned her on the pinnacle of dignity, and gave her rights and honor unparalleled in the history of religions.

   Mohammad lifted the orphan from the dust of despair and sat him on the chair of hope and dignity.

   Mohammad brought man from the isles of bigotry and isolation and circled them in the shrine of brotherhood, and gave justice to all.

   Mohammad “disabused our minds”: he made us too cultured to deliver our souls into the hands of gods born of the womb –helpless, defenseless gods; gods who themselves sought nourishment and protection– and he hung the millstone of responsibility for our actions snugly around our own necks –that there is no “scapegoat” on which to cruise on into heaven: every person must pave his own pathway into Paradise.

   Mohammad extinguished the fires of hate and kindled the flames of brotherhood. He crumbled the walls of division and installed the free-way of unity. He mollified the sword of destruction and forged the shears of progress.

   Mohammad took God from the bosoms of the nations and sat Him aloft on the mount of Universalism.

   Mohammad liberated man from the degradation of stone-worship, star-worship, sun-worship, spirit-worship, nature-worship, human-worship, and sat us high on the pinnacle of pure worship (that the only presence greater than ourselves is God; the worship) of the One True God –Who has no partner or parent, nor son or daughter; Who was not in the womb of a woman, Who was not born, nor ate, slept, drank, nor answered the calls of nature, nor died or was killed– the God Who is Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, the God Who is the Ultimate in Purity and Perfection Allāh!


It is claimed that Prophet Mohammad and the Sahabahs did not engage in Moulood thus it is bid’ah for Muslims to engage in Moulood.

(Did Prophet Mohammad and the Sahabahs erect walls in the Masjid to shut women away; and even shut women out of the Masjid –isn’t this bid’ah?).

   Bid’ah means innovation or newness.

That the Prophet and Sahabahs did not practice Moulood therefore Moulood is a bad bid’ah. From the inception of his mission Prophet Mohammad and his followers were in constant danger of extirpation –he was persecuted, stoned, under the dagger of the assassin, exiled, had to fight some five wars of survival, prayed half the night and until his feet became swollen, cobbled his shoes, helped his wives, preached the Message of Allāh, and worked physically to build the Muslim community. Who had time to engage in Moulood and celebrate birthdays?

   After the Prophet’s death, the lot of his followers was hardly any better –they had to fight wars, from both external and inter-nal sources, build their community, and go abroad to spread Islam.

As to the question is the practice of Moulood a bid’ah?

There is no report of the Prophet forbidding anyone reciting song/poetry in honor of him. In fact, there is evidence the Prophet encouraged the recitation of poetry honoring him–(Bokhari Vol. 4, # 434, 731).

   Whereas while being in the presence of someone we can demonstrate our love to him through gifts and physical help and extolling his virtue and benevolence, when we are removed from him our only method of expression of love is to educate those who ignorantly revile him and to keep his memory alive through extolling his virtues and benevolence.–this is what is done in Moulood.

   Allāh the Glorious and the High instructs us in His Bounteous Qur’an that we are to salute and honor the Prophet: “Surely Allāh and His angels bless the Prophet. O you who believe, call for blessings on him and salute him with a (becoming) saluta-tion;” “So…honor him”–(Qur’an 33:56; 7:157; 48:9).

   Since to follow the Qur’an is obedience to Allāh, and as Allāh requires us to salute and honor the Prophet, therefore to salute and honor the Prophet is to obey Allāh; and obedience to Allāh is worship of Allāh. Therefore saluting and honoring Prophet Mohammad in Moulood is worship of Allāh.

   So, whether good or bad, where is the bid’ah when one is doing that which Allāh enjoins?

   We petition Allāh to bless the Prophet in our Darood Shareef, but how do we offer “salutation” and “honor” him? While one form of salutation and honor is to send “peace”/salaam on him it is not the only form of salutation and honor. We can extol his life, virtues, achievements, mercy etc. While some Muslims may offer their salutation and honor by uttering words silently and solitarily others may prefer to beautify their salutation and honor in melodious renderings, and even with others in audiences.

   Whereas Moulood, apparently, is not a bid’ah in Islam, the belief of some Muslims that the Prophet’s soul is present or comes during the Moulood function –and if there is more than one Moulood function at the same time it would mean that the Prophet’s soul is present at all these functions at the same time– would appear to be in contradiction to the teachings of Islam that only Allāh is Omnipresent; and that the dead are not sent back–(Qur’an 23:99-100; 39:42).

   The complain that some of the songs praise the Prophet beyond his status, all that needs to be done is to not sing such songs or discard them or write your own songs.

   That women also take part in Moulood functions. Are women not Muslims, and properly attired, and subjected to the injunc-tions of Allāh to salute and honor the Prophet? Allāh says that the believing men and believing women are friends/protectors of one another, and will receive mercy from Allāh–(Qur’an 9:71; 33:35).

   Even if there was no injunction from Allāh to salute and honor Prophet Mohammad and no teaching from the Prophet to recite poetry in his honor consider, Mohammad Mustapha, this best exemplar, this greatest of human being the world has known, and will ever know –who, through the grace of Allāh, saved us from atheism, polytheism, idolatry, paganism, and spiritism; liberated us from profligacy, drunkenness, and superstition and instills in us chastity, sobriety, and rationality; impels us to moral, social, intellectual, and spiritual excellence; liberated Woman and Slave, ennobled the Orphan, gave us the fountain of truth, peace, love, hope, mercy, knowledge, and wisdom, and brought the world to our feet and eternity to our arms– we are not to mark his birth and life and benevolence with songs of honor in Moulood if we so desire? It is bad bid’ah to do so?



1. A report in the Toronto Star Tuesday November 7, 2000, under the heading Early puberty, low birth weight linked?, Section A18, by Lindsey Tanner of Associated Press, says that in the U.S. “it has been estimated that nearly half of black girls and 15 per cent of white ones start puberty by age 8”.

2. Muhammad Ali, Qur’anic comm; 2000.

3. Yusuf Ali, Qur’anic comm; 663.
