

In the name of Allāh,
the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Peace and Blessings of Allāh on Mohammad.
Allāh–the Glorious and the High,
Lord of the worlds
Mohammad–who brought the world
to our feet and eternity to our arms.


                  (See also
David Wood proves Jesus is God)

Jesus says: “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you forever” and  “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth” (John 14:16; 16:13).
In consonance with Jesus’ prophecy, Allāh reveals in Qur’an 61:6: “And when Jesus, son of Mary said: O Children of Israel, surely I am the Messenger of Allāh to you, verifying that which is before me of the Torah and giving the good news of a Messenger who will come after me, his name being Ahmad” (Ahmad is another name of Mohammad).

Christians suffer intense labor pains trying to prove that Mohammad is not the Comforter, arguing that the verse refers to the Comforter as “spirit”.
But “Spirit of truth” is a euphemism for one who is truthful –like one being termed lion-hearted meaning he is brave. And the Prophet was honored, even by his rabid enemies, as al-Amin, the truthful.
The Holy Ghost/Spirit is not the Comforter. The Holy Ghost was already here, before, during, and after Jesus–(Luke 1:41, 67; 2:25; 3:22; John 20:22; Acts 2:4; 8:17; 11:15; 19:6); but he, she, or it did not bring any gospel or speak with a loud voice.

Jesus says: “It is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart I will send him unto you”–(John 16:7).
   This not only shows that the Comforter had to come after Jesus’ departure. But if the Comforter was the Holy Ghost, this would presume that Jesus was devoid of the Holy Ghost for Jesus to “send” him/it.

Comforter could not be Spirit. As Jesus was one Comforter and man, this “another” Comforter must also be man. Jesus describes the Comforter as human: He shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak” (John 16:13).
If the Comforter is the Holy Ghost, this would presume that God and the Holy Ghost are two distinct beings that the Ghost should speak of himself and also what he hears from God.

Jesus saying that the Comforter will not speak of himself but what he hears, is the same as God informing Moses about Him raising up a prophet like Moses and “will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him”–(Deuteronomy 18:18). The words God put into the mouth of the prophet like Moses and the words the Comforter heard from God is the Qur’an–(Qur’an 21:45; 53:3-5.  If Jesus is God, God put His words into His own mouth).

Regarding the Holy Ghost/Spirit. Christians do not know what or who the Holy Ghost is. Prof. Abdul Ahad Dawud B.D. –“the former Reverend David Benjamin Keldani, B.D., a Roman Catholic priest of the Uniate-Chaldean sect”– points out: “The Holy Spirit, in all the Christian literature of diverse languages, has not a fixed gender. He, she, it, are all commonly used as the personal pronouns for the Holy Ghost;” And      

“The Comforter –the Spirit of Truth– spoken of by Jesus was no other than Muhammad himself. It cannot be taken as the Holy Ghost, as the Church theology says. “It is expedient for you that I go away,” says Jesus, “for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart I will send him unto you”(John 16:7). The words clearly show that the Comforter had to come after the departure of Jesus, and was not with him when he uttered these words. Are we to presume that Jesus was devoid of the Holy Ghost if his coming was conditional on the going of Jesus: besides, the way in which Jesus describes him makes him a human being, not a ghost. “He shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear that he shall speak” (John 16:13). Should we presume that the Holy Ghost and God are two distinct entities and that the Holy Ghost speaks of himself and also what he hears from God? The words of Jesus clearly refer to some messenger from God. He calls him the Spirit of Truth, and so the Qur‘an speaks of Muhammad, “Nay, he has come with the Truth and verified the apostles” (Qur’an 37:37). (Muhammad In The Bible, p. 6). 

Jesus says the Comforter “shall testify of me” and “shall glorify me”–(John 15:26; 16:14). There is no record of the Holy Ghost testifying of and glorifying Jesus. Mohammad did; testifying to Jesus’ status as prophet of God and repudiating the “Jewish calumnies” against him and his mother. (Read the Qur’an).
Jesus says the Comforter will guide us into “all truth.” The Qur’an is the Book of “all truth” that is needed for our moral, social, material and spiritual upliftment. The Qur’an consists of teachings of past prophets that are applicable to all time and contains teachings that are not met with in past Scriptures. Thus, the Qur’an consists of, exceeds, and supersedes all other Scriptures.

“Nothing have We omitted from
the Book (Qur’an)” “explaining all things”
“A Messenger from Allāh, reciting pure pages,
Wherein are (all) right books”
(Qur’an 61:6; 6:38; 12:111; 16:89; 5:48; 98:2-3)

As the Comforter will give ‘all truth” and “abide for ever” the Bible, devoid of “all truth,” the Bible is obsolete; and as Jesus did not give “all truth” and will not “abide for ever” Jesus is redundant;  NO ONE NEEDS JESUS.
Jesus is no longer the only name, and way, life, truth and resurrection; THE COMFORTER MOHAMMAD IS NOW the only name, the way, the life, the truth, and the resurrection for all people.

Muslims do not have to show the Spirit’s name is Mohammad to prove Mohammad is the Comforter. Muslims have proven it.
                                     Invitation to Christians
In 2000 years since Jesus promised to send the Comforter, go find out the name of this “Spirit”; and show the “all truth” he brought and where he “testify” of and “glorify” Jesus and come back and tell us Muslims Mohammad is not the Comforter.
Christians can reject Mohammad, Christians cannot refute Mohammad’s claim to Divine Dispensation.

In his book Muhammad In World Scriptures Maulana Abdul Haque Vidyarthi has “adduced 3000 incontrovertible arguments and signs proving the truthfulness of the Holy Prophet (Mohammad) and his Divine mission.” (Check out
Read also Prof. Abdul Ahad Dawud –the former Rev. David Benjamin Keldani– Muhammad In The Bible.
While Mohammad was foretold in previous Books Mohammad does not need past Scriptures to substantiate his status; the Qur’an –with its prophecies (that already manifested), scientific teachings (already verified) and the Qur’an’s inimitability–(Qur’an 2:23; 10:38; 11:13; 17:88; 52:33-34)– is Mohammad’s proof.

As noted above the Comforter is to guide into “all truth”:
 -What description did Jesus/Holy Ghost give about Heaven or paradise? None! We have to ask Mohammad. (All Jesus said was that there are many mansions in his Father’s house: John 14:2. For more on Jesus’ alleged return see JESUS-SECOND COMING).

 -What description did Jesus/Holy Ghost give about Hell? None! We have to ask Mohammad. (All Jesus said was that Hell was an “everlasting fire” that “never shall be quenched” in which there will be “wailing and gnashing of teeth”: Matt. 18:8; Mark 9:43; Matt. 13:42. Though Islam teaches that Hell is not forever –it is proportional to the degree of one’s sin: Qur’an 11:107; 78:21-26. See Muhammad Ali comm. on these verses).

 -What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about: the origin of life? Nothing! We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 21:30).
 -What what did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about the fetus and its development in the womb? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 22:5; 39:6).

 -What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about women’s menstruation? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad-(Qur’an 2:222).
  -What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about man being created into different tribes, colors and languages? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 30:22; 49:13).

 -What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about how milk is produced in cattle? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad(Qur’an 16:66).
-What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about bees making honey? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–Qur’an 16:68-69).

-What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about the sun and moon and orbits? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad.-(Qur’an 21:33; 36:40).
-What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about the moon’s light? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 10:5; 25:61; 71:16) 

-What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about particles smaller than atom? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 10:61).
-What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about the formation of rain clouds? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 30:48; 35:9).

-What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about the formation of the universe? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 41:11).
-What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about the mountains stabilizing the earth? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 16:15; 31:10).

-What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about salt and sweet water? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 25:53; 55:19-20).

-What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about the expansion of the universe? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 51:47).
-What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about space travels? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 15:14-15; 55:33).

-What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about there being more than one world? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 1:1; 56:77-80).
-What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about the existence of living-beings on other planets? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 19:93-95; 42:29).

-What scientific signs did Jesus/Holy Ghost foretell at the approaching doomsday? None. We have to ask Mohammad –the Sun will fold up–(Qur’an 81:1); Stars will fall, become dust-colored (lose light)–(Qur’an 81:2); The heaven will look like molten copper; red hide–(Qur’an 70:6-8; 55:37); Ocean will boil–(Qur’an 81:6; 82:3); The Sun and Moon will join together–(Qur’an 75:8-9).

 -What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about the months? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 9:36).
 -What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about the sun and moon and the computation of time? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 2:189; 6:96; 10:5).

 -What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about the stars and guidance? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(Qur’an 6:97).
 -What did Jesus/Holy Ghost say about diseases and their cures? Nothing. We have to ask Mohammad–(For several cures taught by the Prophet see Bokhari, Vol. 7). (Details to the above scientific statements can be found in Qur’an-science  and the videos at the end of this presentation).

For matters in all facets of life we have to ask the Comforter who guided us into “all truth” and who will “abide for ever” and whom all are to follow –MOHAMMAD!

 Like Jesus, the Holy Ghost had nothing to say on behalf of the Slave, the Woman and the Orphan. That, he left for the Comforter, Mohammad the magnanimous, to do.
-Mohammad extricated Woman from the bog of degradation and sat her aloft on the throne of honor and left her nothing for which to strive;
-Mohammad liberated the Slave from the shackles of servitude and placed in his grasp the scepter of regality;
-Mohammad raised the Orphan from the dust of despair and sat him/her on the cushion of hope. 

Mohammad is the only Benefactor Woman, Slave, and Orphan have known.

Muslims have shown that this Comforter is
Prophet Mohammad 

See David Wood proves Jesus is God
