‘Aisha-and Mohammad


In the name of Allāh,
the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Peace and Blessings of Allāh on Mohammad.
Allāh–the Glorious and the High,
Lord of the worlds
Mohammad–who brought the world
to our feet and eternity to our arms.

                         (See also ‘Aisha’s marriage-9 or 19?)

Regarding Christians charge that Mohammad was a pedophile for marrying nine-year-old ‘Aishah, Scholars have shown that ‘Aishah was more than nine years old when she married Prophet Mohammad. “QUORA” (on the Internet) carries an article by “Farogh, Former Senior Scientist at Biocon (2016–2022)” on the topic: “Do you believe Aisha bint Abi Bakr was really 9 years old when she married prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? For this article see https://www.quora.com/Did-Prophet-Mohammed-have-sex-at-the-age-of-53-with-Aisha-when-she-was-9-years-old (And Aisha-marriage 9 or 19?).

If Mohammad was a pedophile, Christians are to blame Jesus for encouraging/ instituting pedophilia.
Wikipedia notes: “The term “paedophilia erotica” was coined in an 1896 article by the  Viennese  psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing”.
  So here we have the Seventh Century Mohammad judged, 1200 years later, by Nineteenth Century standards. Thus:

   -The SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) can charge Jesus with cruelty to animals for loading devils into swine which caused the herd to go berserk and drowned–(Matthew 8:28-34; Luke 8:26-32). The same for Samson who set the tails of three hundred foxes on fire to burn the Philistines’ fields–(Judges 15:4-5).

   -David can be charged with homicide for sending Uriah to the battle-front to be killed–(2 Samuel 11:14-26). 

   -Jesus can be charged with anarchy and destruction for sending fire, sword, hate and division into the world–(Luke 12:49, 51-53; Matt.10:34. According to the Gospels/Christians, all the wars and strife from 36 A.D. to the Resurrection are from Christ).

   -The Christian’s God (and as they say Jesus is God, Jesus) can be charged with abetting sexual-abuse for giving David’s wives to David’s neighbor to have sex with David’s wives–(2 Samuel 12:11).

-David can be charged with pedophilia for taking a young virgin to give him heat–(1 Kings 1:1-4. Clearly the virgin was for sexual enjoyment; an older woman could have just as much easily given him heat).

The question remains: Was Mohammad a pedophile?
Reason alone exposes the canard that Mohammad was a pedophile.
   Pedophilia is noted as “sexual feelings directed toward children”; “sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object.”
    Up to the age of 25 Prophet Mohammad lived a life of celibacy and from 25-54 a monogamous marriage.  Of his thirteen wives only ‘Aishah was preteen. All the others were widows, divorcees or captives of war, with Mary the Coptic being a gift to the Prophet from the ruler of Egypt.
   So, to which “children” was Mohammad’s “sexual feelings” directed and where is Mohammad’s “sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object”?
   Mohammad was a ruler with the choice of any number of young girls at his disposal. It is doubtful a pedophile –and a king at that who have the pick of prepubescent girls and nubiles– would go after elderly, widows and divorcees.

Prophet Mohammad was born into a system that engaged in child marriages. Tradition tells us that Al-Mughira said that “he attained puberty at the age of twelve,” and Al-Hassan bin Salih said “I saw a neighboress of mine who became a grandmother at the age of twenty-one” (the footnote explains: “This woman attained puberty at the age of nine and married to give birth to a daughter at ten; the daughter had the same experience”)–(Bokhari Vol. 3, ch. 18, heading of #832).

   Muhammad Ali notes in his Early Caliphate (p.4): “‘Aishah was at first “betrothed to Jubair, son of Mut’im;” and that the Prophet’s consummation of his marriage to ‘Aishah  “was delayed for five years on account of ‘Aishah’s age, which was only nine at the time of nikah, according to a report of Ibn Sa’d.”
   Muhammad Ali also notes: “‘Aishah’s nikah (marriage) was performed in Makkah long before the details of the Islamic law were revealed to the Prophet.” (The Religion of Islam, p. 601).
This practice of pre-teen marriage did end, as Muhammad Ali notes: “there is no case on record showing that the marriage of a minor through his or her guardian was allowed by the Prophet after details of the law were revealed to him at Madinah. ”(The Religion of Islam, p.  601. Muslims who marry minors have no recourse to Islam for such a marriage. The Prophet’s marriage to ‘Aishah is no precedent for Muslims. The Prophet was not pandering to prurient desire(s). 

Like Arabia, modern pre-teen girls engage in sex and give birth.
As noted above, apart from Al-Hassan bin Salih’s  neighboress who “attained puberty at the age of nine and married to give birth to a daughter at ten;” it notes the following reports:

    -The Toronto Star, Tuesday, October 12, 1999 reports about a “pregnant 12-year-old.” (Unless she was raped, how long has this “12-year-old” been having sex before becoming pregnant?)

   -The Toronto Star, Thursday, February 11, 1999 reports about “11 years old” in “sex-trade.”

   -The Toronto Star, Saturday, April 29, 2000, Section J8 notes about girls “11 and 12,” and a “9-year-old” “prostitutes”. (Unless these prostitutes were selective in their clients, some of the men must have been old).

   -The Toronto Star Wednesday, August 9, 2000 notes about “girls aged 10 to 14” giving births.

   -The Toronto Star, Tuesday, May 2, 2006, page A11 notes: “At least 17 Israeli soldiers are under investigation” for having sex with an “11-year-old girl”: according to the girl “the sex was consensual.” (Also https://www. theguardian.com/world/2006/may/02/israel).

   -The Toronto Star, Thursday, November 4, 2010 (p. A19): “10-year-old gave birth.” (This girl must have been 9 years old, or even younger, when she began having sex).

   -Hinduism teaches that “after being seven years old, the sooner a girl is married, the better”–(Murtahin Billah Fazlie, Hinduism and Islam, A Comparative Study, pp.192-193).     

 -And according to news report and other materials on the Internet an alarming number of girls in America –from those examined, 10 percent of Whites, 14 percent of Hispanics and 23 percent of Blacks– begin puberty at the age of seven (7), developing breasts, pubic hair and even menstruating.

   -Ghulam Nabi points out: “the Eastern churches in Europe do accept that Mary was 12 years old and Joseph a widower 90 years old when they married. (‘Aisha-marriage 9 or 19?).

These girls 9, 10 and 11, were probably having sex before these ages.
If 9 and 10 years-old girls can engage in sex and even give birth, why can’t they be wife? Certainly, be it Seventh Century Arabia or Twentieth Century Era, it is better for a 9 year-old girl to be wife, moreover wife of a king/ruler, than be a prostitute, concubine or slut. 

Regarding the age of sexual consent, the following are from
https://discover-the-truth.com/2013/09/09/age-of-consent-in-euro pean-american-history/

   -“It needs to be remembered that many Medieval widows were not old, Important heiresses were often married between the ages of 5 and 10 and might find themselves widowed while still in their teens.” [1]

   -“….If two people were married and had sex, no matter what their age, no crime was committed because a woman was her husband’s property. In practice, too, the consent laws only protected white females, as many non-white females were enslaved or otherwise discriminated against by the legal system.” [3]

   -“In 1962, the American Law Institute recommended that the legal age of consent to sex- that is, the age below which sex is defined as statutory rape- be dropped in every state to age 10 (Katchadourian and Lund 1972: 439). In fact, until the mid 1960s, the legal age of consent in Delaware was 7 (Kling, 1965: 216). So a 50 year old man could legally have sexual inter-course with a 7 year old boy or girl.” [6]

   -“At what age is a person capable of making and informed decision about whether or not to engage in sex? Would it be 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, or 21? Over the last 300 years, all the ages listed above were thought to be that magic age at which one could make such a decision, and all the ages listed above have, at various times, been inscribed into law as the age of consent to sex.” [13]”

What then is the age of sexual consent?
Considering that a female may be in her late teens and more full-figured but may yet be mentally challenged; whereas a girl may be pre-teen and flat-figured but is mentally advanced; thus, a higher number of years and/ or a full figure is no guarantee of a mature intellect. Allāh sets the age of marriage at the maturity of intellect: “And test the orphans until they reach the age of marriage. Then if you find in them maturity of intellect, make over to them their property”–(Qur’an 4:6). 

The verse indicates that the age of marriage is relative to maturity of intellect. And age of intellect may vary. However, though a girl may have maturity of intellect this does not mean she is to be given in marriage against her will. There is NO forced marriage in Islam; a woman has the right to choose her husband. Says the noble Messenger of Allāh:

   -“A matron should not be given in marriage except after consulting her; and a virgin should not be given in marriage except after her per-mission”–(Bokhari Vol. 7, #67, 68; Vol. 9, # 98, 100);

   -a virgin’s consent, because of bashfulness, is expressed by her silence–(Bokhari Vol. 7, #68; Vol. 9, #98, 100-101);

   -and “If a man gives his daughter in marriage in spite of her disagreement, such marriage is invalid” –it notes the dissolution of such a marriage by the Prophet on behalf of a matron who disliked the marriage her father had arranged–(Bokhari Vol. 7, #69; Vol. 9, #78).
                     To label Mohammad “pedophile” is slander.

Jesus encouraged/instituted pedophilia: (As Christians say Jesus is God) Jesus gave little virgin girls as spoils of war. The Bible commands:

“thou shalt smite every male thereof: But the women, and the little ones…shalt thou take unto thyself”–(Deuteronomy,.20:12-14);
And Numbers chapter 31 records:

“And they warred against the Midianites, as the Lord commanded Moses, and they slew ALL THE MALES….And they brought the CAPTIVES and the prey and the spoil to Moses, and Eleazar…And Moses said unto them…Now therefore kill every MALE among the LITTLE ONES (of the captives), and kill EVERY WOMAN who hath known man by lying with him but ALL THE WOMEN CHILDREN, that have not known a man by lying with him (virgin girls) KEEP ALIVE FOR YOURSELVES ….And the BOOTY, being the rest of the prey which the men of war had caught was….of WOMEN that had not known man by lying with him (virgin girls), were 32,000. And the half, which was the portion of them that went out to war, was….16,000 persons (virgin girls. And of the congregation’s half portion of these 16.000 virgin girls, 320 were given to the Levite priests….And the LORD’S TRIBUTE was…32 persons….the men of war had taken SPOIL (BOOTY), EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF.”
   Surely, these virgin little girls were taken by the soldiers not to plough fields and/or make pretzels; the matron women are suitable for this. And the 320 given to the Levite priests could have hardly been for “altar”-girl service.
   Notably, taking these captive girls for sex does not violate “thou shalt not commit adultery,” Solomon and his son Rehoboam who came after this Mosaic Law had between them “three hundred” and “sixty” concubines–(1 Kings 11:1-3; 2 Chronicles 11:21); in which event Solomon and Rehoboam should have been stoned to death.

How would you feel to have your mother, wife, sister, father, brother and infant son killed and little virgin daughter(s) and sisters taken as war booty (sex slaves)?
   Having no intelligent discourse to advance their beliefs  –there is nothing intelligent about God going as a sperm into a woman’s belly, growing anus and penis and exiting through the woman’s menstrual passage, eating butter and honey to know good from evil, getting circumcised, blaming and murdering the innocent for the guilty (which is the work of tyrants), having Himself killed and hanged naked on a cross– Christians turn to labeling the Prophet Mohammad as hedonist.

Christians believe the blacker they paint Mohammad the easier their chances of having Muslims apostatize from Islam. Sadly, they have managed to snare some uneducated and unthinking Muslims to kiss the useless and ungodly crucifix: to drink the mythical blood of Jesus Christ and eat his body –Spiritual Cannibalism.
Jesus encouraged/instituted pedophilia, Mohammad abolished it.
