Qur’an–contradictions in Qur’an


In the name of Allāh,
the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Peace and Blessings of Allāh on Mohammad.
Allāh–the Glorious and the High,
Lord of the worlds
Mohammad–who brought the world
to our feet and eternity to our arms

(See also 
Qur’an-comments & errors).
One Christian claims that the Qur’an is a Book of contradictions and lies (details later).  And one lists what he perceives as seventy-seven (77) contradictions in the Qur’an. This is amusing.
Christians plant God into the belly of a woman He created, feeding on her blood for nine months growing from  “leech-like” to babe-hood then they drew God out the woman’s  vagina and slapped Him on the backside to make certain He is alive and can cry;  they had God suck the woman’s “paps” and circumcised His foreskin, pinned God in diapers and had Him urinate and defecate and in need to be cleaned. (Astaghferullah!)
Christians have God loading Adam’s sin onto billions of innocent, helpless and morally and mentally non-competent babies; and make God complicit in the murder of the innocent Jesus.

And, apart from blinding themselves to the contradictions in the Bible, Christians instead of repenting and save themselves from purgatory/Hell, Christians are squandering invaluable, irreplaceable time trying to find non-existent “contradictions” in the Qur’an to have unschooled Muslims and others ape them in their monumental and grotesque obscenities against God.
Even if there was contradiction in the Qur’an yet this would not make Jesus God or vicarious atoner (see Jesus-inherited sin to ascension).
Here are the Christians  contradictions and lies in the Qur’an:

  1. Varying number of days to create earth.
    The Arabic word “yaum” also means periods. So instead of earth being created in a number of “days” it is created in a number of “periods, as Muhammad Ali explains”: “For yaum as meaning a period, whatever period it may be, see (Qur’an) 1:3b. The six periods of time in which the heavens and the earth are created refer in fact to the six stages in which they have grown to their present condition. In the case of the earth these six stages are detailed in 41: 9, 10; see 41:10a.”
    And Qur’an 41:9-10 state:
    “Say: Do you indeed disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two days, and do you set up equals with Him? That is the Lord of the worlds. And He made in it mountains above its surface, and He blessed therein and ordained therein its foods, in four days; alike for (all) seekers.”
    Muhammad Ali comments:
    “The making of the earth in two days and the making on it of the mountains, rivers and of plant and animal life in four days is really one continuous process, there being six days or six stages in all. The first stage is the throwing off of the cosmic matter called the earth; the second stage is the cooling of its surface; the third is the making of the mountains; the fourth is that of blessing it by waters and making in it rivers; the fifth and the sixth stages are spoken of as the ordaining of foods, being, in the first place, the growth of plant life and, in the second, the growth of animal life, culminating in the creation of man. That the creation in six days does not refer to the time actually taken in making the heavens and the earth, which is still going on, is noted even by the earlier commentators.”
    (Muhammad Ali’s translation of the Qur’an can be viewed/downloaded www.muslim.org every Muslim and seeker of truth for truth is to have a copy of MA’s translation. See also video at end of presentation).
  1.  A day of God equals 1,000 human years (Qur’an 22:47); a day of God equals 50,000 human years (Qur’an 70:4).
    Qur’an 22:47: “And surely a day with thy Lord is as a thousand years of what you reckon.”
    Qur’an 70:4: “To Him ascend the angels and the Spirit in a day the measure of which is fifty thousand years.”
    As their contexts show, Qur’an 22:47 refers to the count of “time;” whereas Qur’an 70:4 refers to the measure of “distance.”
    Figuratively, a day of Allāh is a very long time in human terms. The Arabic word yaum as noted by Muhammad Ali means a period of time–from a moment to 1,000-50,000 years “it indicates a period of time, whatever period it may be, and this is the proper signification”–(comm. Qur’anic 1:3, #8). (See also video at end of presentation).
  1. Allāh does not forgive worshipping other gods (Qur’an 4:48); Allāh forgives (Qur’an 4:153).
    Qur’an 4:48: “Surely Allāh forgives not that a partner should be set up with Him, and forgives all besides that…”  This refers to those who die, and even without any argument against the Unity of God, are not forgiven.
    Qur’an 4:153: “Then they (Israelite) took the calf (for a god), after clear signs had come to them, but We pardoned this.” The Israelites believed in the Unity of God. But they were misled. They repented. Whoever repents before his death and follow Divine Unity are forgiven.
  1. Angels have 2, 3, or 4 wings (35:1), Hadith/Bokhari says angels have 600 wings.
    Reason would seem to dictate that as wings are in pairs that “three” in the verse would not be of literal import. And Bokhari noting that Angel Gabriel has 600 wings implies that Prophet Mohammad counted them.
    As Muhammad Ali comments: “The representation of angels as possessing wings is met with in sacred history, but the janah or wing of an angel by no means indicates the fore-limbs of a bird, which fit it for flight. It is a symbol of power enabling these immaterial beings to execute their functions, and in Arabic, the word janah stands for power, as you say huwa maqsus al-janah (lit., he has the wing clipped), meaning he is one who lacks strength or power or ability, or he is impotent (T, LL).”
  1. Man created from various medium –clot, water, clay, dust, nothing.
    Allāh originates creation and repeats it. These various states refer to Allāh creating man from a state of non-existence, then through the various mediums/process. (See also video at end of presentation)
  1. Allāh cannot be seen (6:102); Allāh can be seen (53:10).
    It is not Allāh Whom Prophet Mohammad saw in 53:10; it was the Angel Gabriel–(Bokhari Vol. 6, #/s 378-380).
  1. Makkans did not receive prophet before Mohammad (28:46); Makkans received prophet before Mohammad (Qur’an 2:125),
    Qur’an 2:125 states:  “And when We made the House a resort for men and a (place of) security. And: Take ye the Place of Abraham for a place of prayer. And We enjoined Abraham and Ishmael, saying: Purify My House for those who visit (it) and those who abide (in it) for devotion and those who bow down (and) those who prostrate themselves”
    The statement “And when We made the House a resort for men and a (place of) security” is referring to the time Allāh instructed Abraham to lay the foundation of the Ka’bah: “And when We pointed to Abraham the place of the House, saying: Associate naught with Me, and purify My House for those who make circuits and stand to pray and bow and prostrate themselves”–(Qur’an 22:26).
    The instruction: “And: Take ye the Place of Abraham for a place of prayer” is directed to Prophet Mohammad and Muslims more than 2000 years after Abraham built the Ka’bah.
    The words “And We enjoined Abraham and Ishmael, saying: Purify My House for those who visit (it) and those who abide (in it) for devotion and those who bow down (and) those who prostrate themselves” are self-explanatory.
    While Ishmael was the Father of the Arab nation there was not yet an Arab nation for Abraham (and Ishmael) to be sent. Abraham (and his firstborn son, Ishmael,) was preparing the way for Allāh God to fulfil His promise to Lady Hajra/Hagar to give her son, Ishmael, twelve princes and multitudes of seed1–(Genesis 17:20) and to execute His decree to take the “scepter” and “kingdom” from the Israelite and give it to the Ishmaelite; as prophesied by Judah, Moses and Jesus2 (see Judaism-no future).
  2. Food in Hell is thorns/dhari (88:6); one’s own pus (88:6); Zaqqum (37:66).
    “And surely hell is the promised place for them all — It has seven gates. For each gate is an appointed portion of them”–(Qur’an 15:43-44). Evidently, there are seven classes/categories of sinners; thus some sinners may have only one or all three as food, according to their sin. Notably, Hell is not a torture chamber of a vengeful God (see Hell).
  3. Non-believers good deeds rewarded (99:7); will not be rewarded (9:17).
    Qur’an 99:7-8: “So he who does an atom’s weight of good will see it.  And he who does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.”
    Qur’an 9:17: “The idolaters have no right to maintain the mosques of Allah, while bearing witness to disbelief against themselves. These it is whose works are vain; and in the Fire will they abide.”
    Qur’an 99:7-8 states that everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims, will be shown his/her record of deeds. Whereas Qur’an 9:17 speaks specifically about idolaters who, even in the face of reason, continue to reject truth.
  4. No compulsion in religion (2:256); compulsion in religion (9:29). Hadith/Bokhari says kill apostates.
    Qur’an 9:29 is about those who tried to annihilate Muslims (see Qur’an-evil verses #27).
    Regarding the Hadith teaching about killing apostates. The Qur’an was revealed over a period of twenty-three years; during this period, unless he received Divine Revelation in the matter, the Prophet followed the teachings of the Bible, which requires death to the adulterer, the unchaste bride, the apostate the blasphemer and the homosexuals; which Biblical laws were annulled by subsequent Qur’anic revelations–(Qur’an 2:106; 16:101. See Muhammad Ali’s comm. His translation of the Qur’an can be viewed online: www.muslim.org). Prophet Mohammad taught according to the Qur’an–(Qur’an 10:15; 21:45; 46:9; 53:3-4). There is no penalty of “death” for the apostates (see Islam-apostasy).
  1. Salvation for all pious theists (5:69); salvation only for Muslims (3:85).
    Qur’an 5:69 refers to Jews, Christians and Sabians who followed their prophets prior to the advent of Islam, and to these later religionists who died without knowing about Islam–as they could not be charged as having rejected Islam. As no religion can be shown to be superior than, or equal with, Islam, whoever rejects Islam/Mohammad is going to Hell–(Cf. Qur’an 3:85; 9:113; 30:30). As stated a the beginning, one Christian claims Qur’an 2:62 and 5:69 are contradicted by Qur’an 3:85.
    Qur’an 2:62 states: “Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good, they have their reward with their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.”
    Qur’an 5:69 states: “Surely those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabians and the Christianswhoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good — they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve.”
    Qur’an 3:85 states: “And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.”As emphasized, in Qur’an 2:62 and 5:69 Allāh says Jews and Christians etc; will have their reward whereas in 3:85 Allah says that whoever seeks a religion other than Islam it will not be accepted from him. There is no contradiction between 2:62–5:69 and 3:85.What is “Islam”?
    Allāh raised prophets among all people. All prophets of Allāh taught Islam –peace, and submission to the will/law of Allāh. And as prophets themselves submitted to the will/law of Allāh, they were Muslims and followed Islam.
    Jews and Christians etc; who followed their respective prophet were also Muslims and following Islam; and would receive their reward from Allah. These are the Jews and Christians to which Qur’an 2:62 and 5:69 refer.Christians who follow Trinity, inherited sin and vicarious atonement, which are NOT Divine Revelations or taught by Jesus, are NOT followers of Jesus and thus NOT Muslims and NOT following Islam and thus are NOT included in Qur’an 2:62 and 5:69.
    Since one of the Divine requirements of Judaism is for Jews to follow Islam/Mohammad, then Jews by not honoring their covenant with God, are NOT included in 2:62 and 5:69.Moreover, as no religion can be shown to be superior to or equal with Islam, Jews and Christians who reject Mohammad will be the “losers.” This is emphasised by the Prophet Mohammad who is noted as saying, “he who amongst the community of Jews or Christians hears about me, but does not affirm his belief in that which I have been sent and dies in this state (of disbelief), he shall be but one of the denizens of Hell-Fire” –(Muslim, Vol. 1, #284).
    The Qur’an consists of, exceeds, and supersedes all other Scriptures.Significantly, Jews and Christians prior to the advent of Mohammad/Islam, and these later religionists who died without knowing about Mohammad/Islam, even though they may have been misled into following unGodly doctrines, will have their “reward,” Allāh pleasing, (as they could not be charged as having rejected Mohammad/Islam).
    Jews and Christians who follow the Prophet Mohammad would be rewarded twice–(Qur’an 28:54).
    Only poor understanding of the verses of the Qur’an would lead one to charge that there are “contradictions in the Qur’an” and that the Qur’an is a “Book of lies.”Regarding the Sabians: Professor ‘Abdul-Ahad Dawud –the former Reverend David Benjamin Keldani B.D. of the Uniate-Chaldean Sect– wrote in his revealing book Muhammad in the Bible:
    “One of the few religious phenomena I have not been able to explain is this: How is it that the well-known Saba’ites (Sabians), so predominant in the Arabian peninsula and Mesopotamia, did not embrace Christianity if the Prophet John the Baptist had really and openly declared and presented Jesus as the “more powerful” Prophet than himself, and the Messiah whose shoes he was not worthy to unloose?  If, as foretold by John, Jesus was the Apostle of Allāh who came to baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire the myriads whom he “dyed” in the water of the Jordan and elsewhere, why did Jesus not baptize them instantly with the Spirit and with fire and then purge of idolatry all the lands promised by Allāh to the seed of Abraham and establish the Kingdom of God by force and fire? It is absolutely inconceivable that the disciples and the believers in the divine mission of John should not follow Jesus if he had been presented to the public as his Lord or Superior on the spot. The followers of John might have been excused for their refusal to enter into the Christian Church if Jesus Christ had come, say, a century later than the Baptist, but happily such was not the case. They were both contemporaries and born in the same year. They both baptized with water unto repentance, and prepared their penitent converts for the Kingdom of God that was approaching but not established in their time.
    The Saba’ites, the “Dyers” or Baptists,” were the faithful adherents of John.  They may have fallen into error and superstition; but they knew perfectly well that it was not Jesus who was intended in the prophecy of their Prophet. They embraced Islam when Muhammad came.” (For full text see Baptism of water or fire).
  2. To leave disbelievers to their belief (45:14); to fight them (9:29).
    Qur’an 9:29 already dealt with in item #10.
  1. God will judge (2:143); Prophet Mohammad will judge (5:109).
    Qur’an 2:143: “And thus We have made you an exalted nation that you may be the bearers of witness to the people and (that) the Messenger may be a bearer of witness to you.”
    Qur’an 5:109 “On the day when Allah will gather together the messengers and say: What was the response you received? They will say: We have no knowledge. Surely Thou art the great Knower of the unseen.”
    While Mohammad will be given the privilege of intercession (Qur’an 43:86) Mohammad will not judge. All people will be brought with their respective prophets who will give testimony to what their prophet taught them and the prophet will relate what they conveyed to the people.
    In the case of Jesus:
    And when Allah will say: O Jesus,  son of Mary, didst thou say to men, Take me and my mother for two gods besides Allah? He will say: Glory be to Thee! it was not for me to say what I had no right to (say). If I had said it, Thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy mind. Surely Thou art the great Knower of the unseen.  I said to them naught save as Thou didst command me: Serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord; and I was a witness of them so long as I was among them, but when Thou didst cause me to die Thou wast the Watcher over them. And Thou art Witness of all things. If Thou chastise them, surely they are Thy servants; and if Thou protect them, surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise”–(Qur’an 5:116-118).
  1. Grace from Allāh (57:29); grace from Mohammad (9:74).
    Whereas Allāh controls grace to everyone the Prophet can give grace out of his own possession. Whereas the president of a firm can give special benefit to an employee can’t a supervisor also give special benefit to the employee?
  1. Allāh does not share power (17:111); does share power (3:26).
    Qur’an 3:26 states:Say: O Allah, OWNER of the Kingdom, Thou GIVEST the kingdom to whom Thou pleasest, and TAKEST away the kingdom from whom Thou pleasest, and Thou EXALTEST whom Thou pleasest and ABASETH whom Thou pleasest. In Thine hand is the good. Surely, Thou art POSSESSOR of power over all things.”
    The kingdom here referred to is the “kingdom” of “scepter” and “prophethood” which Allāh took from the Israelite and gave to the Ishmaelite as foretold by Judah, Moses and Jesus–(see Judaism-no future).
    Notably, Allāh God “abaseth” man in the sense that man having rendered himself unworthy of Divine grace he is deprived of the favor of God. Thus man “abaseth” himself.
  1. Punishment for adultery is flogging (24:2); confinement (4:15);  grant pardon (4:16).
    Qur’an 24:2 refers to people who are not married to each other adulterer/adulteress and fornicators (see Adultery).
    Qur’an 4:15 refers to lesbians.
    Qur’an 4:16 refers to homosexuals (men) who are to be given a “slight punishment.” (See Islam-homosexuals & lesbians).
  1. Satan misleads Muslims (7:16); does not mislead Muslims (38:82).
    Satan requested that Allāh grant Him respite till the Day of Judgment to try and lead people astray. Allāh God being Just granted Satan his request. Though Satan could not have been able to lead astray without Allāh God’s permission, it is Satan who leads astray. Read the verses again. And carefully.
  1. The first Muslims were; Mohammad (39:12); Moses (7:143); Abraham (2:132); Adam (3:33); some Egyptians (26:51).
    A Muslim is one who submits to the will of Allāh God. “Islam” and “Muslim” are primeval; dating back to the creation of the heavens and earth (see All people are Muslims).
    Mohammad was the first “Muslim” among his people.
    Moses was the first “Muslim” among his people.
    Abraham was a “Muslim” and enjoined on his sons to be Muslims.
    So was the prophet Adam.
    The Egyptians having believed in Moses may also be said to be the first Muslims among the Egyptians.
    The Christian Negus of Abyssinia/Ethiopia (who gave sanctuary to the early Muslims fleeing persecution) having embraced Islam could have claimed to be the first Muslim in his community and/or in Abyssinia.
    And should Pope Francis accept Divine Truth, he could claim to be the first Muslim in the Vatican or in his community.
  1. Angels do not disobey God (16:49) angels disobey God (2:34; 2:102).
    Satan was/is NOT an angel. He is a jinn.  Though being in the company of the angels he was required to obey Allāh’s command and bow to Adam.
  1. Noah’s son survived (21:76); did not survive (11:42).
    Qur’an 21:76 states: “And Noah, when he cried aforetime, so We answered him, and delivered him and his people from the great calamity.”
    Qur’an 11:42-43 state: “Noah called out to his son, and he was aloof: …And a wave intervened between them, so he was among the drowned.”
    Noah’s people (21:76) refer to the righteous with him in the Ark.  Significantly, the Qur’an states, and research confirms, that only Noah’s people were drowned, not the entire world. It would be an injustice to destroy the entire world for the sins of Noah’s people. (See Qur’an-borrowed from Bible).
  1. Pharaoh drowned (28:40); was saved (10:93).
    Whereas Pharaoh drowned, his BODY/CORPSE was saved. It was believed that the body of Ramses, the Pharaoh of Moses, had perished in the river when he drowned. But the Qur’an said that Allah saved him to be a sign for future generations.  It was only about a hundred years ago that this Pharaoh’s body was discovered among the mummies of Egypt. Yet Allah revealed it to the Prophet Mohammad some two thousand years after Pharaoh’s drowning.
  1. Qur’an easy for all to understand (11:1); has hidden meanings only God can understand (3:7).
    Qur’an 3:7 states: “He it is Who has revealed the Book to thee; some of its verses are decisive — they are the basis of the Book — and others are allegorical. Then those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part of it which is allegorical, seeking to mislead, and seeking to give it (their own) interpretation. And none knows its interpretation save Allah, and those firmly rooted in knowledge. They say: We believe in it, it is all from our Lord. And none mind except men of understanding.”
    This verse is self–explanatory. The verses that are applicable to following Islam are easy for all to understand. Regarding the letters that are at the beginning of certain chapters Muhammad Ali has explained these. (MA’s translation of the Qur’an can be viewed/downloaded at www.muslim.org).
  1. Qur’an has grammatical error: saabi’uuna (5:69); saabi’eena (2:62).
    According to Arabic scholars there is no grammatical error, both terms are correct.   What is to be known is that there were two sects of people who  were named Sabians. In his commentary to Qur’an 2:62 Muhammad Ali notes:
    “The Sabians are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an on three occasions only, here and in 5:69 along with the Jews and the Christians, and in 22:17 with these and the Magians. According to En. Br., the Sabians were a semi-Christian sect of Babylonia, closely resembling the so-called “Christians of St. John the Baptist”.  The probable derivation of the name is traced to an Aramaic root, and the root meaning is said to be those who wash themselves, and this is said to be corroborated by Arab writers applying to them the name of al-Mughtasilah. The idea that the Sabians were star-worshippers is rejected; the error, it is said, being due to the pseudo-Sabians of Harrian, who chose to be known by that name in the reign of Al-Mamun, in 830 A.D., in order to be classed as the “People of the Book”. The commentators hold different opinions regarding them, most of them agreeing that they are representatives of a religion between Judaism and Christianity, based on the doctrine of unity, but also maintaining worship of angels. The majority do not include them in the Ahl al-Kitab (AH).”
  1. We keep our earthly body in heaven (75:3); only soul kept in heaven (31:28).
    Qur’an 75:3-4 state: “Does man think that We shall not gather his bones?  Yea, We are Powerful to make complete his whole make.”
    Qur’an 31:28 states: “Your creation or your raising is only like a single soul. Surely Allāh is Hearing, Seeing.”
    In the first statement Allāh God says He is powerful enough to remake us.  In the second statement Allāh God is saying our creation and resurrection is easy for Him like Him creating a single object/soul.
    In the next life we will be given another form:
    “We have ordained death among you and We are not to be overcome, That We may change your state and make you grow into what you know not. And certainly you know the first growth, why do you not then mind?”–(Qur’an 56:60-62).
  1. Muslims can keep Christians as friends (5:82); cannot keep as friends (5:51).
    There is no contradiction between these verse. Muslims keep one or the other relation with Christians depending on their disposition towards Muslims. This is probably so in the case of any nation or religionist.
    Qur’an 5:82 states: “thou wilt find the nearest in friendship to the believers to be those who say, We are Christians. That is because there are priests and monks among them and because they are not proud.”
    Muhammad Ali comments:
    “The Christians were nearer to Islam than the Jews, not only because the Muslims accepted Jesus Christ as a prophet of God, but because there were still among them many people who feared and worshipped God — there were priests and monks among them as the verse says. It is a fact that the Christian attitude towards Islam was never so inimical as the Jewish. The Negus, Emperor of Abyssinia, accepted Islam when he came to know of it through the Muslim emigrants in that country. Heraclius was favourably disposed towards it; even the Christian deputation of Najran towards the end of the Prophet’s life was so impressed with the Prophet’s arguments that it decided not to have a mubahalah with him. But the words here are more of a prophetical nature, and it is a fact that in the early history of Islam, the Christians in Egypt, in North Africa, in Syria, in Persia and other countries, accepted Islam in very large numbers, so that many of those communities became Muslims entirely or predominantly. At present, too, when Islam is being presented to the West, the Christians are receiving the message with an open heart.”
    Qur’an 5:51 states: “O you who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends of each other. And whoever amongst you takes them for friends he is indeed one of them. Surely Allah guides not the unjust people.
    Muhammad Ali comments:
    “All non-believers, whatever their own differences, had made common cause against Islam; this is what is meant by their being friends of each other. The Muslims are warned that they should not expect help or friendship from any party of them, whether Jews, Christians, or idolaters. It would have been weakness of faith in the ultimate triumph of Islam if, from fear of a powerful enemy, they had sought help and friendship here and there among a hostile people, as the next verse shows. When two nations are at war, an individual of one nation having friendly relations with the enemy nation is treated as an enemy; that is exactly what the Qur’an says here.”
  1. Prophets can perform miracles (3:49; 54:1); cannot perform (11:12; 13:7).
    Prophets perform miracles “with Allah’s permission.” (See Miracles).
  1. Mohammad last prophet (33:40); not last prophet (27:82).
    Whereas Qur’an 33:40 says Mohammad is “Seal” of the prophets; To understand Qur’an 27:82, reading from verse 80 is required. Thus Qur’an 27:80-82 state:
    “Certainly thou canst not make the dead to hear, nor canst thou make the deaf to hear the call, when they go back retreating.”
    “Nor canst thou lead the blind out of their error. Thou canst make none to hear except those who believe in Our messages, so they submit.”
    “And when the word comes to pass against them, We shall bring forth for them a CREATURE from the earth that will speak to them, because people did not believe in Our messages.”
    How does this “creature” of 27:82 negates Mohammad as being the last prophet?
    Muhammad Ali explains:
    “By the creature from the earth that will speak to them are evidently meant people who are bent low upon earth. These people are the materialistic nations of the West who have lost all sense of the higher values of life. The coming forth of the dabbat al-ard is one of the signs of the approach of the Hour according to the Hadith. But the Hour may mean either the day of Judgment or the doom of a people, and this verse gives us an indication that the Hour in this case stands for the doom of a nation; because here it is spoken of as being a punishment for not believing in the Divine messages.”
  1. Wine is Satan’s handiwork (5:90); Heaven has rivers of wine for Muslims (47:15).
    What makes you think this wine in heaven is alcoholic? Never heard of “alcohol free” beer and wine and champagne? Significantly, the things in Paradise and on earth are the same in name only. (See Heaven/Paradise).
  2. 29. Allāh sends disbelievers astray (6:25); Satan sends disbelievers astray (15:39); disbelievers send themselves astray (9:70).
    Qur’an 6:25. Reading from verse 21 to 25 shows that these were those who forged lie against Allāh. So Allāh God “have cast veils over their hearts so that they understand it not and a deafness into their ears. And (even) if they see every sign they will not believe in it. So much so that when they come to thee they only dispute with thee — those who disbelieve say: This is naught but stories of the ancients.”
    As Muhammad Ali notes:
    “Veils were cast over their hearts because they would not believe even if they saw all the signs. As the words that follow show, they came to the Prophet, not for the purpose of listening to and pondering over what he said, but to dispute with him. The veils were due to their own actions; see 2:10a..”  (Allāh God does not lead astray; see Allah humiliates & leads astray/deceives).
    Qur’an 15:39. Allāh God gave Satan respite to lead astray.
    Qur’an 9:70. Man leads himself astray by not following Divine message/messengers
  1. Allāh is kind and merciful (1:3); not kind and merciful (4:56).
    Qur’an 4:56: “Those who disbelieve in Our Messages, We shall make them enter Fire. As often as their skins are burned, We shall change them for other skins, that they may taste the chastisement. Surely Allah is ever Mighty, Wise.”
    Is it not mercy to give painful injections and therapy to patients to make them well?
    The Bible teaches God is merciful–(Deuteronomy 4:31; Luke 6:36), And God sent bears to eat forty-two children; sent arrows, beasts and serpents on worshippers of false God; burned whoring daughters; etc (see Jesus or Mohammad-best system).
    And Jesus consigned the Scribes and Pharisees to the greater damnation of Hell in which there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth–(Matthew 23:14; 13:50).
    Is the Bible God then kind and merciful or not kind and merciful for subjecting people to these punishments? (See
  1. 3,000 angels helped Mohammad (3:124); 1,000 helped (8:9).
    Qur’an 3:124 refers to the battle of Uhud where the enemy was three thousand and Muslims a thousand.
    Qur’an 8:9 refers to the Battle of Badr where the enemy numbered a thousand and Muslims a little over three hundred.
  1. Muslims can drink alcohol but not to pray while drunk (4:43); not good to drink (2:219); alcohol an abomination of Satan’s handiwork (5:90).
    Qur’an 4:43 states: “O you who believe, go not near prayer when you are intoxicated till you know what you say,”
    And one can also be intoxicated with sleep. It is doubtful that a drunk would have any recollection of this verse and keep away from prayer and/or recognize what he is saying. However, for the sake of argument, while Allāh God says there is some benefit in alcohol the danger is greater. There is no contradiction.
    Both these verses (Qur’an 4:43 and 5:90) enjoin the abstinence from intoxicants. While the light drinker is enjoined to end all drinking immediately, and the non-drinker is enjoined to avoid drinking, the chronic drinker, who on account of his habit may not be able to avoid intoxicants altogether (and thus because of this some may not embrace Islam), he is weaned away gradually from intoxicants by abstaining from it at times of prayer. Once he can avoid alcohol during these periods that are hours apart then it would not be difficult for him to end the habit totally.
  1. Only men sent as prophets (12:109); jinns and men (6:130); angels and men (22:75).
    Qur’an 22:75: “Allah chooses messengers from angels and from men.”
    The messengers chosen from Angels are the ones like Gabriel who brought Revelation to Zacharias and Mary and Mohammad, and the Angel (whom Christians identified as “Archangel Chamuel”) that brought news to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane as he prayed to be spared death.
    Qur’an 6:130 Jinns and men.  Muhammad Ali explains (from verse 128):
    “The word jinn is derived from janna, meaning he covered or concealed or hid or protected. The class of beings that goes under this name stands in the Holy Qur’an for the spirits of evil or the beings that invite man to evil, as opposed to the angels, who invite him to good, both being alike invisible to the human eye. But there is a wider use of the word in Arabic literature as well as in the Qur’an. One signification of the word is explained in 72:1a, and I would refer the reader to that footnote. But the word is also applied in the Qur’an to great potentates or powerful leaders who, through their importance and detachment from the masses, do not mix freely with them, so they remain distant or “hidden from their eyes”. In Arabic literature such a use was permitted. A verse of Musa Ibn Jabir in which the word jinn occurs, is thus explained by LL on the authority of Tabrezi on Ham: “And my companions, who were like the jinn, did not flee when I came to them and informed them”, where the word jinn is translated as meaning companions who were like the jinn. And Tabrezi says further that the Arabs liken a man who is sharp and clever in affairs to a jinni and a shaitan, and hence they say, nafarat jinnuhu (literally, his jinn fled away), meaning he became weak and abject. Therefore a man’s companion, without whose help he would be weak and abject, was called a jinni.
    What is meant by the assembly (ma‘shar) of jinn here and by jinn in v. 130? This is made clear if we read this verse with those following. In this verse jinn are spoken of as friends of men, and v. 129, which continues the subject, speaks of the iniquitous as befriending one another, while in v. 130 men and jinn are spoken of as a single ma‘shar or community, for which see 130a.
    Again in v. 131, those very jinn are spoken of as being no others than dwellers of the cities which were destroyed on account of their sins, and we know that the jinn who dwell in cities are only men. The context thus makes it clear that by the jinn here are meant the leaders of evil, just as by shayatin (devils) in 2:14 are meant leaders, for which see 2:14a.
    128b. The words except as Allah please indicate that those in hell shall after all be delivered from it. For a full discussion on this point, see 11:107a.
    130a. Ma‘shar means a community whose affair is one and the same — jama‘at-un amru-hum wahid-un — thus you say ma‘shar al-Muslimin, which means the community of the Muslims (L). Thus by calling the jinn and men as a single community, the Holy Qur’an has made it clear that the jinn and the men spoken of here are not two different classes of beings. Again, the jinn and the men are told that messengers had come to them from among them, i.e. from among jinn and men. But as the only messengers spoken of in the Qur’an and other reliable histories of prophets are those who belong to mankind, it follows that the jinn spoken of here belong to mankind, and not to any other class of creation.”
  1. Allāh’s message does not change (10:64); changes (16:101).
    Qur’an 16;101 is not about verses of the Qur’an being changed. (See Qur’an-abrogation & collecting).
  1. One Angel spoke to Mary (19:16); more than one spoke to her (3:42).
    Qur’an 19:17: “So she (Mary) screened herself from them (her family). Then We sent to her Our spirit and it appeared to her as a well-made man. She said: I flee for refuge from thee to the Beneficent, if thou art one guarding against evil. He said: I am only bearer of message of thy Lord: That I will give thee a pure boy.”
    Qur’an 3:42: “And when the Angels said: O Mary, surely Allah has chosen thee and purified thee and chosen thee above the women of the world.”
    Seemingly, whereas more than one Angel came to Mary only one spoke on behalf of the others. Much like in a delegation where one person speaks in representation of all. And it would be reported as “they” said. An example of this is the discussion between the Christians of Najran & Prophet Mohammad in which the head of the Christian delegation, Abdul Masih, spoke on behalf of himself and his group.
    Notably, Jesus was NOT of virgin birth. Even Paul, who knows more than Christians and whom Christians follow more than they follow Jesus, shows that Jesus had a human father:
    (a) “Therefore (David) being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the FRUIT OF HIS LOINS, ACCORDING TO THE FLESH, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne”–(Acts 2:30);
    (b) “Concerning his Son Jesus Christ…which was made of the SEED OF DAVID ACCORDING TO THE FLESH”–(Romans 1:3);
    (c) “Remember that Jesus Christ of the SEED OF DAVID”–(2 Timothy 2:8).
    And “seed” is sperm, and “according to the flesh” is male-female union: sexual intercourse. Clearly, Jesus was a metaphorical son of God. And  The METAPHORICAL son (Jesus) cannot die for LITERAL sins.
    The Qur’an also shows that Jesus had a human father;  virgin birth is a “forgery” in the Bible, see Jesus-birth miracle or mechanix?
  1. All prophets eat food (25:20); all did not eat food (11:69).
    Qur’an 11:69-70: “And certainly Our messengers came to Abraham with good news. They said: Peace! Peace! said he. And he made no delay in bringing a roasted calf. But when he saw that their hands reached not to it, he mistrusted them and conceived fear of them. They said: Fear not; we have been sent to Lot’s people.”
    What makes you think the “messengers” that came to Abraham were human prophets? Muhammad Ali points out:
    “Compare Genesis 18:1– 7. According to the Bible (Genesis 18:8), they ate the roasted calf and other food provided by Abraham. But the contrary, as Rodwell notes, was maintained by the Rabbins, and he directs attention to Is. Baba Mezia, fol. 86: “They made as though they ate”. Whether they were angels or men, is not made clear here or anywhere else in the Holy Qur’an. But owing to the fact that they did not partake of food, and the fact that they brought to Abraham news of a son and of the destruction of Lot’s people, they are generally looked upon as angels who appeared in the similitude of men.”
  1. Allāh can do everything and anything (35:1); Allāh cannot do everything and anything (6:100).
    Qur’an 6:100 (101): That Allāh God cannot have a son because He has no consort does not place a limit on the power of Allāh God. To have a physical son requires the union of sperm and ovum. And reason dictates that Allāh not having a consort He cannot have a son.
    As Allāh God says in Qur’an 2:116: “And they say: Allah has taken to Himself a son — glory be to Him ! Rather, whatever is in the heavens and the earth is His. All are obedient to Him.”
    And Muhammad Ali comments:
    “The phrase subhana-hu is always used to declare the freedom of the Divine Being from all imperfections, and is always mentioned in connection with the doctrine of sonship to show that to attribute a son to the Divine Being is to attribute an imperfection to Him, which is met with in human beings. The doctrine of sonship is mentioned here as being opposed to the religion which requires entire submission to Divine commandments from every man and thus dispenses with the necessity of a conciliator.”
  2. 38. To treat People of the Book kindly (2:109); harshly (9:29).
    Qur’an 9:29 is about those who tried to annihilate Muslims. I would like to know of a general at war tossing flowers at the enemy bent on extirpating him and his soldiers.
  1.  Allāh forgives everything (39:53); does not forgive everything (4:116).
    Qur’an 39:53: “Say, O My servants who have sinned against their souls, despair not of the mercy of Allāh; surely Allāh forgives all sins. Verily, He is Most Forgiving, Ever Merciful.”
    Qur’an 4:116: “Surely Allāh forgives not setting up partners with Him, and He forgives ALL besides this to whom He pleases. And whoever sets up a partner with Allāh, he indeed goes far astray.”
    There is no contradiction. Allāh God forgives what is past or done in ignorance. If we persist after knowledge has come to us there is no forgiveness except as Allāh God pleases. REPENT AND REFRAIN!
  1. Satan was an Angel (18:50); a Jinn (2:34).
    Qur’an 18:50: “And when We said to the angels: Make submission to Adam, they submitted except Iblis. He was of the JINN.”
    In Qur’an 2:34, Satan/Iblis was only in the company of the Angels.
  1. Allāh does not lead astray (9:115; 18:55); Allāh leads astray (2:6; 6:25).
    Qur’an 2:6-7: “Those who disbelieve — it being alike to them whether thou warn them or warn them not — they will not believe. Allah has sealed their hearts and their hearing; and there is a covering on their eyes, and for them is a grievous chastisement.”
    Muhammad Ali comments:
    “It should be noted that only those disbelievers are spoken of here who so    hardened their hearts as not to pay any heed to the Prophet’s preaching and warning, as clearly indicated in the previous verse; compare 7:179: “They have hearts wherewith they understand not, and they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not. They are as cattle.” Allah is here spoken of as having sealed their hearts and ears because He made them taste the consequences of their heedlessness.” (See also item #29).
  1. All prophets are equal (2:285); not equal (2:253).
    Qur’an 2:285: “The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. They all believe in Allah and His angels and His Books and His messengers. We make no difference between any of His messengers.
    Qur’an 2:253: We have made some of these messengers to excel others. Among them are they to whom Allah spoke, and some of them He exalted by (many) degrees of rank.
    As clearly expressed in 2:285, Muslims do not deny belief in any of Allāh God’s prophets –claiming that certain prophet(s) is for other people and not for Muslims.
    And in 2:253 Allāh says He gave different ranks –an example being Moses and Jesus held higher ranks than Zacharias and John the Baptist.
    Where is the contradiction?
  1. Jews repented after Moses returned (20:88); before Moses returned (7:148).
    The Qur’an does not always relate incidents in their sequence. Muhammad Ali states: “The Israelites’ repentance, though mentioned first, was subsequent to Moses’ return (2:54). In fact, the order here is not historical, but one connecting the repentance with the sin, mentioning the events which brought about that repentance afterwards.”
  1. Slanderers of chaste women forgiven (24:5) not forgiven (24:23).
    Qur’an 24:5: “And those who accuse free women and bring not four witnesses, FLOG THEM (with) eighty stripes and never accept their evidence, and these are the transgressors—Except those who afterwards repent and act aright; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”
    How are the slanderers forgiven when they are FLOGGED?
    It is their EVIDENCE that is accepted only AFTER they have repented for having slandered.
  1. Mohammad a Prophet for all mankind (33:40); only for Arabs (14:4).
    Qur’an 14:4: “And We sent no messenger but with the language of his people, so that he might explain to them clearly.”
    That Mohammad’s language was/is Arabic does not restrict Mohammad from being Messenger for all mankind. Apart from the fact that there is no Scripture superior to, or equal with, the Qur’an, people can learn Arabic or read translations in their own language. (The Torah to Moses was revealed in Hebrew and the Gospel to Jesus in Hebrew or Aramaic and both were only for Jews. Yet they are translated in more than a thousand languages).
  1. Mohammad is gentle (3:1) had teenagers beheaded (Muslim m38:4390); tortured people (Bokhari 1:234); stealer of an egg should have his hand cut off (Sahih Muslim).
    These teenagers were beheaded according to the dictates of the Torah (see Mohammad-Jews & raiding parties).
    Torture (Bokhari 1:234); as stated, these men committed murder and theft. You want o know about torture read the Bible (see Jesus or Mohammad-best system).
    Stealer of an egg should have his hand cut off. (Judaism and Christianity  require that a wife who tries to defend her husband by grabbing the genitals of her husband’s assailant is to have her hand cut off) (see Islam-amputation, dismemberment).
  1. Muslims can treat wife fairly (4:3); cannot treat fairly (4:129).
    The Christian is, again, comparing apples to bananas.
    Qur’an 4:3: “And if you fear that you cannot do justice to orphans, marry such women as seem good to you, two, or three, or four; but if you fear that you will not do justice, then (marry) only one or that which your right hands possess. This is more proper that you may not do injustice.”
    This refers to MATERIAL/FINANCIAL justice in which a man may want to withhold giving his bride/wife the full amount of mahr/dowry as noted in the Hadith–(Bokhari Vol. 6, #’s 97, 98).
    Qur’an 4:129, when read from verse 128 is about EMOTIONAL justice in which a man no longer wants his wife and wants to divorce her:
    “And if a woman fears ill-usage from her husband or desertion no blame is on them if they effect a reconciliation between them. And reconciliation is better. And avarice is met with in (mens) minds……And you cannot do justice between wives, even though you wish (it), but be not disinclined (from one) with total disinclination, so that you leave her in suspense. And if you are reconciled and keep your duty, surely Allāh is ever Forgiving, Merciful.” (See Bokhari Vol. 6 #125).
  1. Pharaoh’s wizards became believers (7:120); did not became believers (10:83).
    Qur’an 7:120-122: “And the ENCHANTERS fell down prostrate — They said: We believe in the Lord of the worlds, The Lord of Moses.”
    Qur’an 10:83:  “But, on account of the fear of Pharaoh and their chiefs persecuting them, none believed in Moses EXCEPT A FEW OF HIS PEOPLE.”
    Where is the contradiction?
  2. One Angel takes souls at death (32:11); many Angels (47:27); Allāh takes souls (39:42),
    Qur’an 32:11: “Say: The ANGEL of death, who is GIVEN CHARGE of you, will cause you to die, then to your Lord you will be returned.” This verse is directed to each individual, “you”.
    Qur’an 47:27: “But how will it be when the ANGELS cause them to die, smiting their faces and their backs?” This verse is directed to more than one collectively, “them.”
    Qur’an 39:42: “Allah takes (men’s) souls at the time of their death, and those that die not, during their sleep. Then He withholds those on whom He has passed the decree of death.”
    Evidently, the Angels take the souls upon Allāh’s command. Thus it is Allāh who in reality takes our souls.  Reason would dictate that with the number of deaths daily there is more than one angel in charge of taking souls.
  1.  Allāh destroyed the people of AD in one day (54:19); in several days (41:16).
    Qur’an 54:19: “Surely We sent on them a furious wind in a day of bitter ill-luck.”
    Qur’an 41:16: “So We sent on them a furious wind in unlucky days that We might make them taste the chastisement of abasement in this world’s life.”
    The wind came one day but apparently lasted more than one. As Muhammad Ali points out, “Their unlucky days were the days of drought.”
  1. Gabriel brought revelation to Prophet Mohammad (2:97); Holy Spirit did (16:102).
    Qur’an 16:102: Angel Gabriel is known as the Holy Spirit and Spirit of Truth. Muhammad Ali: “The Holy Spirit is here stated to be the bearer of the revelation to the Holy Prophet, while elsewhere the same bearer is called the al-Ruh al-Amin, or the Faithful Spirit (26:193), and the same is called Gabriel in 2:97.”
  1. Qur’an is confirmation of the old (2:97); a substitution for the old (16:101).
    The Qur’an is both. The Qur’an confirms that Revelations were given to previous prophets and it consists of the teachings of other Scriptures that are applicable for all time, exceeds, and supersedes all Scriptures–(Qur’an 98:2-3). (See Qur’an).
  1. Allāh guides to truth (10:35); Allāh also misleads (14:4).
    Allāh God does not mislead. Guiding and misleading are contradictions.
    Muhammad Ali notes:
    “A great misconception regarding the teachings of the Qur’an is that it ascribes to God the attribute of leading astray. Nothing could be farther from the truth. While al-Hadi or the One Who guides, is one of the ninety-nine names of Allah, as accepted by all Muslims, al-Mudzill, or the One Who leads astray, has never been recognized as such. If leading astray were an attribute of God, as guiding certainly is, the name al-Mudzill should have been included in the list of His names, as al-Hadi is. But the Qur’an, which repeatedly says that God’s are all the excellent names, could not ascribe to Him what it has plainly ascribed to the Devil, viz., the leading astray of men.…It is impossible that God, Who is so solicitous for the guidance of man, should Himself lead him astray. Guiding and leading astray are two contradictions which could not be gathered together in one being.” “The mistaken idea that God leads people astray arises out of a misconception of the meaning of the word idzlal when it is ascribed to God.” (The Religion of Islam, pp. 323, 324, 325). 
  1. All prophets from Abraham’s seed (29:27); all not from Abraham’s seed (16:36).
    Qur’an 29:27: “And We granted him (i.e. Abraham) Isaac and Jacob, and ordained prophethood and the Book among his seed.”
    How the Christian construes this to mean that “all prophets” are from Abraham’s seed is boggling.
    All the verse says is that Allāh God gave to Abraham Isaac and Jacob and that other prophets would come from his progeny.
  1. Be patient with unbelievers (73:10); strike off their heads and fingertips (8:12).
    The ones whose heads and fingertips were struck off were those who were all bent on annihilating Mohammad and Muslims. And all Mohammad did was preach to free them from idolatry, superstition, drunkenness, profligacy and female infanticide.
  2. 56, Man is perfectly designed (95:4); men needs circumcision (Bokhari 595).
    Circumcision of followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is a necessary part of faith. Jesus, the Christian God/Son of God, was circumcised. (See Circumcision and controversy).
  1. Not to over-indulge in religion (4:171); can over-indulge (4:95).
    You are comparing apples to bananas.
    Qur’an 4:171 is an admonishment to Christians to not exceed “the limits in your religion (by ascribing Divinity to Jesus) nor speak anything about Allāh, but the truth.”
    Qur’an 4:95 is about Allāh granting a “mighty reward” to those who strive in His way.
  1. All human races are not equal (3:33; 2:47); all are equal (4:40; 4:124).
    Qur’an 3:33: “Truly Allah chose Adam and Noah and the descendants of Abraham and the descendants of Amran above the nations.”
    Qur’an 2:47: “O Children of Israel, call to mind My favour which I bestowed on you and that I made you excel the nations.”
    Adam and Noah and the descendants of Abraham –which includes the Ishmaelite– and Amran were chosen for Divine purpose. This does not mean that other race/nation were inferior.
    If your parents choose one of your sibling over you for a certain task because he/she is more qualified in this field or for some other reason, this does not mean you are not your parents child or that you do not possess the same faculties as him/her.
    Allāh God also chose individuals of other races for His purpose:
  • “For everyone of you We appointed a law and a Way” –(Qur’an 5:48).
  • “And for every nation there is a Messenger” (Qur’an 10:47).
  • “Surely We have sent thee (Mohammad) with the Truth as a bearer of good news and a warner. And there is not a people but a warner has gone among them”–(Qur’an 35:24).
    Incidentally, as Muhammad Ali comments on Qur’an 10:47 and 35:24, respectively:
    “Humanity will always be under the deepest obligation to the Prophet for this broad humanitarian principle.”
    “This broad doctrine that a prophet was raised among every nation is taught repeatedly in the Qur’an, and, curiously enough, it is met with in the earlier revelation at Makkah as well as the later revelation at Madinah. This great truth, which had remained hidden for thousands of years from the wisest men of the world, had shone upon the mind of an unlearned Arabian, who did not even know what nations then existed and what scriptures they possessed. This broad doctrine alone could form the basis of the universality of a Divine message to the whole of mankind. Only he who had the breadth of mind to recognize truth in all could unite all men.”
    (Notably, that Jesus says to preach the Gospels to all nations is a “forgery” in the Bible; see Jesus says preach Gospel to all nations).
    Incidentally, whereas Islam teaches that man is better than the other only through belief in Allāh God and their good deeds, and Mohammad gave the Divine Message clearly and equally to all, the Christian Son of God and God, Jesus, regarded non-Jews as “dogs” and “swine” and preached in parables to keep them out of heaven (see Jesus-only for Jews).
  1. Muslims to treat wife kindly (30:21); to beat wife if disobedient (4:34).
    Note the operative word “disobedient,” The wife can also beat her husband. See Islam-wife beating.
  2. 60, No one can see God (6:103); Moses saw God (7:143).
    Qur’an 7:143: “he (Moses) said: My Lord, show me (Thyself) so that I may look at Thee. He said: Thou canst not see Me; but look at the mountain; if it remains firm in its place, then wilt thou see Me. So when his Lord manifested His GLORY to the mountain, He made it crumble and Moses fell down in a swoon. Then when he recovered, he said: Glory be to Thee! I turn to Thee, and I am the first of the believers.”
    Clearly, what Moses was the power/Glory of God manifested in the crumbling (shaking) of the mountain.
  1. Qur’an fully detailed (6:114) yet Qur’an does not describe how to pray.
    Allāh God instructs us: “Whoever obeys the Messenger, he indeed obeys Allāh.”–(Qur’an 4:60); “And obey Allah and the Messenger, that you may be shown mercy.”–(Qur’an 3:132).
    Thus Islam is the Qur’an and the Tradition –actions and sayings– of the Prophet that are in accordance with the Qur’an.
    Allāh says those who bow down (make ruku) and prostrate (make sujood) will receive a mighty reward–(Qur’an 9:111-112).
    The timings and method of prayer –standing, ruku, sujood etc;– were shown to the Prophet Mohammad by the Angel Gabriel–(Bokhari Vol. 1, # 500; Vol. 4, #444).
    Thus, the Qur’an does describe how to pray.
  1. On Day of Judgment clouds will burst (25:25); will open like doors/gates (78:19); will become like molten copper (70:8); will be red like burning oil 55:37); will roll up like paper (21:104); will become like smoke (44:10).
    It will be like all of these in stages. See Qur’an-science ‘Events of the Doomsday in the Qur’an.”
  1. On Day of Judgment stars will become dim and faint (77:8); will become numerous and scatter (82:2).
    Qur’an 77:8: “So when the stars are made to disappear.”
    Qur’an 82:2: “And when the stars become dispersed.” (See Qur’an-science ‘Events of the Doomsday in the Qur’an.”
  1. Qur’an is complete with nothing omitted (6:38); yet Hadith literature were added 200 years after Mohammad.
    As stated in item #60, Hadith is part of Islam.
  1. Muslims to put on jewelry for prayer (7:31; 16:14); Allāh hates those who flaunt and wear jewelry (Qur’an 28:76); men not allowed to wear jewelry (Sahih Muslim).
    There is no contradiction. While one can wear adornments to prayer (fine clothing for men and fine clothing and jewelry for women) it is the flaunting of adornments that are not allowed. In Islam jewelry are decorations of women.
    The Bible also places limitations on adornments:
  • “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lordthy God”–(Deuteronomy 22:5)
  • “Moreover the Lord saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet:
    Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord WILL DISCOVER THEIR SECRET PARTS.
    In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon,
    The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers, The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the earrings, The rings, and nose jewels, The changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping pins, The glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods, and the vails.
    And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty”–(Isaiah 3:16-24).
    Whereas Islam allows acquisition of wealth and espouses moderation, the Gospels have Jesus counselling austerity3 and mendicancy4.
    Maybe the billion-dollar Vatican and the millionaire Christians and hooligan priests who employ short-hand book-keeping to their parishioners donations (as we occasionally hear about in the media) need to revisit Jesus Christ’s pronouncements. Unless they do not really care about Jesus; and/or they already know that the crucifix is not only useless and unGodly but plain pagan past-time. (See Christianity is Paganism).
  1. Allāh protects prophets from harm (10:103); does not protect (3:21).
    There is no contradiction.
    As the context shows Qur’an 10:103 refers to messengers and believers being delivered from a town about to be destroyed. Whereas Qur’an 3:32 refers to prophets and just people who are victims of assassination.
  1. Satan was forced out of Paradise (7:13); was not forced out, he spoke to Adam and Eve (2:36).
    There is no contradiction. As the context shows (7:13-22) after Allāh God cast out Satan for not submitting/bowing to Adam, Satan asked for respite to the Resurrection to try and lead man astray. Allāh God granted him respite. Subsequently, we have Satan’s luring Adam and Eve.
  1. Adopted children are not family (33:4) a foster mother is family (4:23).
    There is no contradiction.
    Qur’an 33:4 states that “adopted” sons are not your real sons (and no society views an adopted son/daughter as a real/biological son/daughter).
    Qur’an 4:23: refers to prohibition against marrying a foster mother who suckled you (in which event such a foster mother would be likened to a real mother). (See Islam-adoption).
  1. Hereditary laws (4:11-12) don’t add up: wife 1/8=3/24; daughter 2/3=16/24; father 1/6=4/24; mother 1/6=4/24; TOTAL=27/24.
    There are varying groups of beneficiaries in the inheritance law. With the right apportioning they do add up. As Muhammad Ali points out:
    “The aul was first legalized by ‘Ali, the fourth Caliph, who, being questioned about the share of a wife, the other heirs being the two parents and two daughters, gave the answer “without premeditation” that the wife’s one-eighth had become one-ninth, for the two parents should take one-third, the two daughters two-thirds, and the wife one-eighth, which make up nine-eighths, and hence ‘Ali decided that each of the heirs should take less than was due, so that the proportion might remain the same (T). The difficulty would not have arisen if there had been sons instead of daughters or sons along with daughters. If ‘Ali had decided to give the residue to the two daughters after taking away the wife’s one-eighth and the parents’ one-third as he should have done in the case of two sons or a son and a daughter, the question of ’aul would not have arisen.”
    (Those who would like to read Muhammad Ali’s commentaries on this matter (Qur’an 4:11-12), Muhammad Ali’s translation of the Qur’an can be viewed/downloaded online: www.muslim. org).
  1. Evil omens can be found in horses, women and houses (Bokhari 7:71:606); there’s no such thing as an evil omen (Sahih Muslim 26:5508); there are no omens (Bokhari 8:76:479).
    Bokhari 7:71:606 does not say that there are “evil omens.” The Hadith states about the 70,000 Muslims (of pre-Islamic time that embraced Islam who will enter Paradise without “reckoning”):
    “Those people are those who do not treat themselves with Ruqya5, nor do they believe in bad or good omen (from birds etc,) nor do they get themselves branded (cauterized), but they put their trust (only) in their Lord.”
    Even if the Hadith had said there was an omen in these; all it would mean is that no good can come from an obstinate horse (or other animal), a stubborn or rebellious woman and an overcrowded house.
    Prophet Mohammad would not even use superstition to glorify himself much less would he make it a belief of Islam; a solar eclipse occurred on the day the Prophet’s son, Ibrahim, died:
    “The people began to say that there was an eclipse on account of the death of Ibrahim, The Prophet (may peace be upon him) stood up and led the people in prayer…..(after the prayer) “He said: O people, the sun and the moon are two of Allāh’s signs; they are not eclipsed on account of a man’s death”–(Abu Dawud, Vol. 1, #1174).
    There is no superstition in the Qur’an. Whatever  contradicts with the Qur’an is to be discarded. The Qur’an supersedes all sources of guidance.
  1. Prophet Mohammad in Makkah for 10 years (Bokhari 4:56:748); in Makkah for 13 years (Bokhari 5:58:190).
    Prophet Mohammad was born in the year 570 After Christ (AC). He received the call to Divine Messengership in 610. In 622 he migrated to Madinah; which would put him 12(13) years in Makkah as Prophet (622-610). He died in Madinah in 632. Thus, Prophet Mohammad was in Makkah for about 12-13 years.
    So one compiler erred or was dealing in round figures. Big deal. How is this a contradiction in the Qur’an? This is a typical Christian “drowning rat clutching at a straw” desperation.
  1. Dajjal blind in right eye (Sahih Muslim 41:7005); blind in left eye (Sahih Muslim 41:7010).
    Perhaps one of the narrators is mistaken. In any event this is no contradiction in the Qur’an; or affect Muslims practice of Islam.
  1. Solomon had 100 wives (Bokhari 7:62:169); 60 wives (Bokhari 9:93:561); 70 (Sahih Muslim 15:4069).
    One also notes 90 wives Big deal. How is this a contradiction in the Qur’an? May be the Prophet was talking about different periods of Solomon’s life.
    Get a life! Find something useful to do with your time.
  1. Hafsa served Mohammad honey (Bokhari 6:60:434), Zainab served him honey (Bokhari 9:86:102).
    Couldn’t they both have served Mohammad honey?
  1. Jesus was fair (Sahih Muslim (1:327); was reddish white (Bokhari 9:88:242); was brown (Bokhari 4:55:650).
    (Perhaps he was of different color because  of the way the light hit him).
    These descriptions were in a dream. Put whatever construction you like to them they are not contradictions in the Qur’an. Neither does it affect Muslims practice of Islam.
  1. Dead are punished in grave because relatives cry (Sahih Muslim 4:2025); not punished (Bokhari 2:23:375).
    As ‘Aisha pointed out in Muslim #2026-2039 that #2025 is an error. That the Prophet said “he (the dead) is punished for his faults or for his sins, and the members of his family are wailing for him now”–(Hadith #2027).
    (For punishment in the grave see Why I am not a Muslim-Ibn Warraq #118).
  1. Cannot stand while drinking (Sahih Muslim 23:5017); can stand (Sahih Muslim 23:5023).
    If you are in a house why would you not sit? And if you are  outdoors or the ground was muddy or unclean wouldn’t you stand?
    As stated, you need to get a life. Find something useful to do.
    And repent for your false ascriptions to God.  As shown  Christianity is Paganism.

Like Trinity is a Christian concoction. Son of God dying for sins is also a Christian devise. The Church knows there was no crucifixion and resurrection of Christ (see Jesus-inherited sin to ascension).

You Christians are following Paul who was a self-admitted liar who forged his own gospel, grafted paganism onto Jesus’ head and made himself into a human chameleon to snare others into kissing the useless  and unGodly crucifix. (See Allāh and Jesus or Paul).
Christ is only a figurehead in the Church. The religion of the Church may more rightly be called Churchianity or Paulianity and Christians are more correctly Churchians or Paulians.
Christians are the AntiChrist. (See Islam-antiChrist).

Whereas Islam is superior to all religions; Judaism, Sikhism and Hinduism are superior to Christianity; and Jesus was a Muslim and taught Islam (see Islam is superior to all other religions).
Muslims who apostatized from Islam (rather than learn Islam), and Christians who want a “mansion” or “bungalow” in heaven, have the grand opportunity while you are alive –and no one knows when he/she will die; and when you die this opportunity evaporates like a dewdrop in Hell– to return/turn to Allāh; to “There is no God but Allāh; Mohammad is the Messenger of Allāh.”

THE  QUR’AN:  MIRACLE   OF  ALL  MIRACLES: by Dr. Zakir Naik: Though the two videos are similar there is additional info  in  one; and also in the question and answer section. 

For Christians trying  to trap Muslims to convert to Christianity and Muslims response:  See  Christians try to trap Muslims to convert                


  1. About Ishmaels’ name being effaced and replaced with Isaac’s. Briefly, as Professor Abdul Ahad Dawud B.D. –“the former Reverend David Benjamin Keldani, B.D., a Roman Catholic priest of the Uniate-Chaldean sect”– explains in his revealing book Muhammad In The Bible:
    “The Jews have always been jealous of Ishmael because they know very well that in him the Covenant was made and with his circumcision it was concluded and sealed, and it is out of this rancour that their scribes or doctors of law have corrupted and interpolated many passages in their Scriptures. To efface the name “Ishmael” from the second, sixth, and seventh verses of the twenty-second chapter of the Book of Genesis and to insert in its place “Isaac,” and to leave the descriptive epithet “thy only begotten son” is to deny the existence of the former and to violate the Covenant made between God and Ishmael. It is expressly said in this chapter by God: “Because thou didst not spare thy only begotten son, I will increase and multiply thy posterity like the stars and the sands on the seashore,” which word “multiply” was used by the Angel to Hagar in the wilderness: I will multiply thy offspring to an innumerable multitude, and that Ishmael “shall become a fruitful man” (Gen. xvi. 12. It is Muslims whose numbers are “like the stars and the sands on the seashore”–(Gen. 22:17). Now the Christians have translated the same Hebrew word, which means “fruitful” or “plentiful” from the verb para –identical with the Arabic wefera– in their versions “a wild ass”! Is it not a shame and impiety to call Ishmael “a wild ass” whom God styles “Fruitful” or “Plentiful”?” (pp. 30-32. Color/emphasis added). (For more text see Palestine).
  1. Jesus told the Jews: “The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof”–(Matthew 21:43).
    Christians may be apt to claim this verse refers to them, This is fanciful. Jesus was a Jew who upheld the Judaic law and enjoined his people to do the same. Thus, those who want to follow Jesus would also be following the Judaic law. But Christians are not following Christ or the Judaic law, they are following paganism –son of God dying for sins is a remnant of Paganism (Ref. Qur’an 9:30; to which Muhammad Ali notes: “when St. Paul saw that the Jews would on no account accept Jesus Christ as a messenger of God, he introduced the pagan doctrine of sonship of God into the Christian religion, so that it might become more acceptable to the pagans.”
    And Maurice Bucaille comments about St.(?) Paul, “He was considered to be a traitor to Jesus’s thought by the latter’s family and by the apostles who had stayed in Jerusalem in the circle around James. Paul created Christianity at the expense of those whom Jesus had gathered around him to spread his teachings”–The Bible, The Qur’an And Science, p.52).
  1. Jesus counselled austerity: “Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.  But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God”–(Matthew 19:21-24).
    In Islam, the rich as well as the poor has equal opportunity to enter paradise.
  1. Jesus counselled mendicancy–(Matthew 6:25-34. For comment see Jesus-absurd doctrines).
  1. Ruqya: the glossary in Bokhari Vol. 7 states that Ruqya “Is the recitation of some divine verses as a treatment for a disease.”
    Notably while Ruqya is forbidden for a “disease” it is recommended for other cases–(Bokhari Vol. 7 #631).